Accurate assessment of injury severity is critical for decision making related to the prevention, triage, and treatment of several injured patients. Early estimation of mortality risk of critically injured patients is mandatory for adequate therapeutic strategies. Current risk stratification relies on clinical diagnosis and scoring systems. In our study, we hypothesized whether a simple laboratory test, the CK/CK-MB ratio, could help improving risk prediction in severely traumatized patients.
In a 9-year period, 328 nonselected trauma patients were included in our retrospective study at a Level I Trauma Center up to September 2002. Data for this study were obtained from our computerized trauma database, established in September 1992.
In our study population, we could show a negative correlation between Injury Severity Score (ISS) and leukocytes. A positive correlation was detected for liver enzymes and CK-MB. The correlation between ISS and Na+ was significant. No correlation between ISS, K+, and Hb/Ht could be observed. Exitus was associated with ISS, alteration in thrombocytes, CK, CK-MB, CRP, Crea, and Na+.
In our study population, CK-MB levels showed a significant correlation with overall surveillance in polytraumatized patients. In our opinion, this might suggest that CK-MB levels could be taken as an indirect predictor for survival. Our findings need to be proven in further prospective clinical trials.