Esophageal schwannomas are very rarely seen neurogenic tumors and constitute less than 2 % of all esophageal tumors. The current study reports a case of benign esophageal schwannoma and re-evaluates esophageal schwannomas including our case with the other 42 cases in the literature.
A 61-year-old female patient was referred to our clinic with the complaints of dysphagia and a weight loss. In her upper gastrointestinal system endoscopy, a 20–25-cm submucosal lesion was seen, which compressed the esophagus from outside. On computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the thorax, a mass lesion was detected at the posterior mediastinum. After a preoperative detailed evaluation, a right posterolateral thoracotomy was performed. The mass was excised with the enucleation technique. The diagnosis of benign esophageal schwannoma was made with immunohistochemical examination.
Postoperative period was uneventful.
Generally, the prognosis of esophageal schwannomas is excellent. Complete removal of the mass producing a negative surgical margin, and in malignant cases, excision of the regional lymph nodes, should be essential for long-term disease-free survival.