Ausgabe 3/2006 Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery (Editor: S. Uranues)
Inhalt (13 Artikel)
Minimally invasive surgery of the thyroid
- Main Topic
P. Miccoli, G. Materazzi, C. E. Ambrosini, P. Berti
Esophagectomy by thoracoscopy with patient in prone position, laparoscopy and cervicotomy (technique)
- Main Topic
G.-B. Cadière, G. Dapri, E. Capelluto, J. Himpens
Laparoscopic splenectomy in massive splenomegaly
- Main Topic
E. M. Targarona, C. Balagué, R. Berindoague, C. Martinez, P. Hernandez, M. Trias
The laparoscopic approach for inflammatory pancreatic diseases
- Main Topic
L. Fernández-Cruz, R. R. Lozano-Salazar, C. Olvera, M. A. López-Boado, S. Navarro
Technique of laparoscopic left pancreatic resection preserving the splenic vessels
- Main Topic
S. Uranues, B. Salehi, P. Kornprat, B. Todoric
Endovenous laser treatment (EVLT®) in saphenous vein insufficiency. Preliminary study
- Original Scientific Paper
C. Spartera, A. Mastromarino, L. Cucciolillo, C. Petrassi, M. Ventura
Hypothermia and hyperthermia decrease the anticoagulant potency of low molecular weight heparin measured with thrombelastgraphy
- Original Scientific Paper
M. Felfernig, V. Kubricht, M. Zimpfer, S. Kozek, K. Hoerauf, A. M. Blaicher
Fatal Clostridium difficile-associated toxic megacolon following unrelated stem-cell transplantation
- Case Report
M. Biebl, I. Stelzmüller, D. Nachbaur, D. Wolf, G. Suman, H. Bonatti
Recurrent appendicitis after conservative management of perithyphlitic abscess. Presentation of 2 cases
- Letter to the Editor
I. Stelzmueller, W. Nields, K. M. Dunst, J. Bodner, P. Kovacs, H. Bonatti