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European Surgery

Ausgabe 3/2020

Inhalt (7 Artikel)

Surgery watch out the needle eye

  • editorial

Martin Riegler

Breast reconstruction with the omentum flap: a case report with unsatisfactory outcome and review of the literature

  • Open Access
  • review

Rossella Spinelli, Monika Lanthaler, Christoph Tasch, Agnese Nitto, Gerhard Pierer, Thomas Bauer

The real risk of nodal disease in T1 oesophageal adenocarcinoma

  • review

David P. Mitchell, Sashi Yeluri, Hans Van der Wall, Gregory L. Falk

Combined pharmacologic antireflux therapy after esophagectomy: effect on symptoms and endoscopic findings at 1-year follow-up

  • original article

Stefano Siboni, Marco Sozzi, Matteo Capuzzo, Alberto Buogo, Carlo Galdino Riva, Davide Ferrari, Luigi Bonavina

How effective is the control of laryngopharyngeal reflux symptoms by fundoplication? Symptom score analysis

  • original article

Gregory L. Falk, Suzanna C. Gooley, Neal G. Church, David S. Rangiah

Misdiagnosis of cystic pancreatic tumors during a 30-year study period

  • original article

G. Aleksandric, S. Matic, J. Todorovic, Z. Terzic-Supic, V. Aleksic

Does giving pasireotide to patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy always pay for itself?

  • original article

Fang Yuan, Amiram Gafni, Chu-Shu Gu, Pablo E. Serrano