Ausgabe 4/2005 Peripheral Nerve Surgery
Inhalt (13 Artikel)
Experimental approaches to promote functional recovery after severe peripheral nerve injuries
- Main Topic
T. Gordon, J. G. Boyd, O. A. R. Sulaiman
Collagen tube lined with genetically modified Schwann cells with increased motility: A new promising bioartificial nerve graft
- Main Topic
A. I. Gravvanis, A. Lavdas, A. E. Papalois, D. A. Tsoutsos, P. N. Panayotou, D. C.-C. Chuang, I. Franceschini, M. Dubois-Dalcq, R. Matsas
Effects of alleviated tension at the nerve repair site using biodegradable tubular conduits: Histological, electrophysiological and functional results in a rat model
- Main Topic
R. Schmidhammer, S. Zandieh, R. Hopf, T. Hausner, L. E. Pelinka, A. Kroepfl, H. Redl
Morphology after synergistic terminal end-to-side nerve graft repair: Investigation in a nonhuman primate model
- Main Topic
R. Schmidhammer, T. Hausner, S. Zandieh, L. E. Pelinka, H. Redl
End-to-side coaptation: An important tool in peripheral nerve surgery
- Main Topic
H. Millesi, S. Tsolakidis
From bench to bed side: The concept of total mesorectal excision for rectal cancer
- Review
G. Salerno, I. R. Daniels, R. J. Heald
Distal intramural spread of rectal cancer
- Original Scientific Paper
P. Vávra, M. Rydlova, A. Pelikan, M. Vavrova, L. Martinek, P. Gunkova, I. Gunka
The effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on arachidonic acid- and collagen-induced platelet CD62P expression
- Original Scientific Paper
A. M. Blaicher, H. Schoenfeld, H. T. Landsteiner, I. Volf, J. Zwerina, K. Hoerauf
Traumatic disruption of the diaphragm: emergency diagnosis and treatment
- Case Report
J. E. Losanoff, B. W. Richman, D. D. Asparouhova, J. W. Jones
Small-bowel obstruction due to a gastric bezoar during enzymatic treatment
- Case Report
B. Kantarceken, E. Bulbuloglu, H. Cıralik, A. Cetinkaya, F. Ezberci