Ausgabe 4/2012 Main topic: Pediatric surgery – topics of interest for general surgeons
Inhalt (14 Artikel)
Esophageal replacement in children and its long-term consequences
- Main Topic
C. A. Reck, M. Pones, E. Horcher
Modified minimally invasive pectus repair in children, adolescents and adults: an analysis of 262 patients
- Main Topic
A. M. Rokitansky, R. Stanek
Malposition of the intestine malposition malrotation volvulus "midgut volvulus"
- Main Topic
W. Pumberger, S. Kargl
Augmentation cystoplasty: diagnosis, treatment and outcome
- Main Topic
A. Basharkhah, E. Sterl, A. Haberlik
Sacrococcygeal Teratoma – a single center study of 43 years (1968–2011) including follow-up data and histopathological reevaluation of specimens
- Main Topic
Th. Hager, C. Sergi, J. Hager
Risk factor analysis and procedural modifications for biliary stricture after adult living donor liver transplantation
- Original Article
M. Shinoda, M. Tanabe, S. Kawachi, O. Itano, H. Obara, T. Hibi, K. Matsubara, N. Shimojima, Y. Fuchimoto, K. Hoshino, G. Wakabayashi, M. Shimazu, Y. Morikawa, M. Kitajima, Y. Kitagawa
Massive fluidopneumothorax after implantation of a totally implantable venous access port: report of a case
- Case Report
J. Ott, M. Kromer, F. Herbst, B. Dauser
Heterotopic mesenteric ossification as a cause of persistent enterocutaneous fistula: overview of the literature and addition of a new case*
- Case Report
J. F. Reynoso, D. Christensen, R. Latifi
Selected commentary to "Incidence of adenocarcinoma among patients with Barrett's esophagus"
- Selected Commentary
S. F. Schoppmann, R. Azari, F. M. Riegler