Ausgabe 4/2016
Inhalt (12 Artikel)
Current strategies for preoperative conditioning of the liver to expand criteria for resectability of hepatic metastases
- Review
H. M. Hau, H. -M. Tautenhahn, M. Schmelzle, H. M. Morgul, M. Moche, M. Bartels, D. Uhlmann
Large bowel cancer in the setting of inflammatory bowel disease
- review
Gianluca Pellino, Rosa Marcellinaro, Guido Sciaudone, Alfonso Reginelli, Pasquale Esposito, Gabriele Riegler, Silvestro Canonico, Vincenzo Villanacci, Francesco Selvaggi
Clinical and inflammatory response to first ileocolic resection for Crohn’s disease
- original article
Hanna Ribbing Wilén, Per-Olof Nyström, Leif Törkvist, Johannes Blom
Simultaneous resection of primary colorectal cancer and synchronous liver metastases is associated with a high cardiovascular complication rate
- Original Article
J. Schuld, M. von Heesen, B. Jung, S. Richter, O. Kollmar
Retrospective analysis of prognostic factors in patients with duodenal adenocarcinoma
- Original Article
P. Téoule, M. Distler, M. Niedergethmann, T. Gaiser, F. Rückert, R. Grützmann, T. J. Wilhelm
Treatment of Boerhaave’s Syndrome: Specialized Esophago-Gastric Unit Experience on Twelve Patients
- case report
Filippo Landi, Sandra Castro, Amaia Gantxegi, Paolo Bertoli, Nivardo Rodríguez, Jordi Pradell, Alejandro Solis, Manuel Armengol
Esophagectomy for eosinophilic esophagitis
- case report
Tomoyuki Irino, Mavroudis Voultsos, Jon A. Tsai, Mats Lindblad, Magnus Nilsson, Ioannis Rouvelas
Gastric carcinoma presenting with severe rectal stenosis: ‘Schnitzler’s metastasis’: case report and review of the literature
- case report
Z. S. Derici, S. Sokmen
The cleft lift procedure for complex pilonidal disease
- short communication
Paola De Nardi, Paolo Giovanni Gazzetta, Guido Fiorentini, Giovanni Guarneri