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European Surgery

Ausgabe 6/2018

Inhalt (10 Artikel)

Beyond the essence of surgery is you

  • editorial

Martin Riegler

Morbidity in open versus minimally invasive hybrid esophagectomy (MIOMIE)

  • Open Access
  • original article

Matthias Paireder, Reza Asari, Ivan Kristo, Erwin Rieder, Johannes Zacherl, Barbara Kabon, Edith Fleischmann, Sebastian F. Schoppmann

Experiences with the standardized classification of surgical complications (Clavien-Dindo) in general surgery patients

  • Open Access
  • original article

M. Bolliger, J.-A. Kroehnert, F. Molineus, D. Kandioler, M. Schindl, P. Riss

Management of esophagojejunal anastomosis leakage after total gastrectomy

  • original article

Pablo Priego, Pietro Giordano, Marta Cuadrado, Araceli Ballestero, Julio Galindo, Eduardo Lobo

Development of Perianal Sepsis Index (PASI) for assessing quality of life in chronic perianal sepsis

  • original article

Azra Tabassum, Assad Zahid, Christopher M. Byrne, Christopher J. Young

Retroperitoneal vs. transperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy: a meta-analysis of the literature

  • original article

Mark Portelli, Christian Camenzuli, Andrea Gafa’, Nicholas Vella, Tonio Bezzina, Ernest Ellul

Non-operative management of blunt hepatic and splenic injuries–practical aspects and value of radiological scoring systems

Margot Fodor, Florian Primavesi, Dagmar Morell-Hofert, Matthias Haselbacher, Eva Braunwarth, Benno Cardini, Eva Gassner, Dietmar Öfner, Stefan Stättner

Chirurgisch-onkologische Therapie primärer und sekundärer peritonealer Neoplasien

Andreas Brandl, Johann Pratschke, Beate Rau

Standards of surgical patient positioning

  • book review

Verena Kienast, Karl Thomanek

Correction to: Hilar en bloc resection for hilar cholangiocarcinoma in patients with limited liver capacities—preserving parts of liver segment 4

  • Open Access
  • Correction

Sven Jonas, Felix Krenzien, Georgi Atanasov, Hans-Michael Hau, Matthias Gawlitza, Michael Moche, Georg Wiltberger, Johann Pratschke, Moritz Schmelzle