Ausgabe 6/2022
Inhalt (8 Artikel)
Wound myiasis in Western Europe: prevalence and risk factors in a changing climate scenario
- Open Access
- review
Erika Andreatta, Luigi Bonavina
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the training of general surgery residents
- original article
Călin Popa, Diana Schlanger, Florin Zaharie, Nadim Al Hajjar
Perioperative management of pancreatic excretory function in the context of pancreatic head resections in PDAC patients
- original article
Siegfried Sauseng, Arvin Imamovic, Josip Kresic, Thomas Niernberger, Hans Rabl
Prognostic significance of comorbidities in patients with diffuse peritonitis
- Open Access
- original article
Petr Špička, Josef Chudáček, Tomáš Řezáč, Katherine Vomáčková, Radek Ambrož, Ján Molnár, Dušan Klos, Radek Vrba
Repeated hepatic resection for colorectal liver metastases: is this concept safe and feasible?
- Open Access
- original article
Maximilian von Heesen, Jochen Schuld, Sebastian Holländer, Antonios E. Spiliotis, Anna Merscher, Philipp R. Scherber, Dorian Igna, Gereon Gäbelein, Matthias Glanemann
Early detection of COVID-19 cholangiopathy using cholangioscopy—a case report of two critically ill patients
- Open Access
- case report
Veronika Kroepfl, Benedikt Treml, Martin Cornelius Freund, Christoph Profanter
Thoracoabdominal approach for traumatic diaphragmatic hernia in a hemodynamically unstable patient
- case report
Mujtaba Mubashir, John O Barron, Hadika Mubashir, Alexander DeMare, Siva Raja, Sudish Murthy, Dean P. Schraufnagel