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Wiener klinische Wochenschrift OnlineFirst articles

Complications of forgotten ureteral stents: stone encrustation and stent embedded in stone

  • images in clinical medicine

Forgotten ureteral stents are a significant clinical issue, often leading to serious complications such as encrustation, stone formation and obstruction. These complications arise from the accumulation of mineral deposits on the stent surface …

Gustav Klimt and the Vienna School of Medicine

  • Open Access
  • history of medicine

On 13 November 2024 an approximately 12 × 8 m color reproduction, created using artificial intelligence (AI), of the faculty painting “Medicine” by Gustav Klimt, which was destroyed in 1945, was presented to the public on the facade of a research …

Feasibility and acceptance of transdermal auricular vagus nerve stimulation using a TENS device in females suffering from long COVID fatigue

  • Open Access
  • original article

Infections with SARS-CoV‑2 (COVID-19) have become a global health crisis, causing high morbidity and mortality rates. While around 80% of those infected experience mild to moderate symptoms, about 5% develop critical conditions [ 1 ]. A small …

Smartphone use-related acute accommodative esotropia

  • case report

We present a rare case of a 9-year-old child with acute accommodative comitant esotropia, a form of acquired strabismus caused by excessive smartphone use. Symptoms commonly include double vision, closing or covering one eye when working at close …

A rare case of a rectal neuroendocrine neoplasm growing within a lipoma with ulcerative lesions

  • case report

Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) are a heterogeneous group of tumors with different immunophenotypes, morphological features, clinical presentations, and outcomes. Therefore, the diversity of NENs can easily confuse clinicians and lead to …

Conservative treatment of knee arthrofibrosis according to a cellular cytokine-based model

  • Open Access
  • original article

Arthrofibrosis (AF) is one of the most frequent complications after knee surgery, such as anterior cruciate ligament repair or total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Concerning the epidemiology, the reported incidences range from 1–35% [ 1 – 6 ]; however …

Predictors of 7-day mortality in critically ill patients with hyperglycemic crisis

  • original article

Hyperglycemia on admission to hospital is relatively frequent (8%), often needs hospitalization (up to 80%) and is an independent predictor of mortality and length of hospital stay [ 1 , 2 ]. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperosmolar …

A comic that explains palliative care: how patients experience comic-based educational material

Medizinische Informationen werden von Patient:innen oft unzureichend aufgenommen, insbesondere bei Themen, die Angst auslösen. Gerade in der Palliativversorgung ist es entscheidend, zu erforschen, wie man Menschen am besten über die Vorteile und den Umfang der Versorgung aufklären kann. Kreative Methoden zur Vermittlung solcher Informationen können einen positiven Einfluss haben.

Associations of malnutrition factors with dysphagia mediated by ADL among nursing home residents

  • original article

The global population is aging rapidly. The proportion of the population aged ≥ 60 years is expected to double from 2020 to 2050, while the population aged ≥ 80 years is expected to triple [ 1 ]. In addition to the aging population, the proportion …

Self-administration of aspirin for acute chest pain—Does it prevent premature cardiovascular mortality?

  • Open Access
  • short report

Aspirin as a class I guideline recommended medical treatment for acute coronary syndrome has been established for decades [1]. As early intake of aspirin is crucial, self-administration of aspirin in acute chest pain might be beneficial when …

Adequate bowel preparation of patients undergoing screening colonoscopy

  • Open Access
  • original article

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer worldwide with 1,931,590 new cases registered in 2020 [ 1 ]; however, colorectal cancer can be detected at an early stage and thus prevented [ 2 ]. The gold standard examination for detecting …

Determinants of undergraduate medical students’ satisfaction with clinical supervision: A cohort study in a longitudinally structured sixth year clinical placement

  • Open Access
  • original article

A clinical supervisor acts as a gatekeeper by carefully steering students’ access to tasks to ensure the quality of professional services provided by trainees to patients, as a trainer to develop their competence, and as a mentor to support …

Myeloid sarcoma of the heart—A clinicopathological correlation

  • Open Access
  • case report

A 63-year-old woman with a history of acute myeloid leukemia followed by stem cell transplantation presented with acute heart failure. Transthoracic echocardiography revealed a preserved left ventricular ejection fraction with severe ventricular …

Clinical characteristics of human brucellosis in different age groups in the Republic of North Macedonia—A case series

  • original article

Brucellosis is a severe zoonotic infection transmitted to humans through the consumption of undercooked animal products, inhalation of contaminated aerosols, or direct contact with infected animals [ 1 , 2 ]. The disease can affect individuals of …

Mid-term results of intra-articular calcaneal fractures treated with minimally invasive two-point distractor

  • Open Access
  • original article

Displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures (DIACF) are of particular concern to trauma surgeons because even small displacements and subsequent incongruencies mainly in the subtalar joint are associated with a poor long-term outcome. Due to the …