Swept-source OCT (SS-OCT) has been introduced as a fast method for examining the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) and, like OCT angiography (OCTA), the structure of vessels in the retina and the optic nerve head. The aim of this study was to assess whether SS-OCT is able to detect different patterns of glaucomatous nerve fiber layer defects and to evaluate OCTA measurements in the same areas.
Material and methods
SS-OCT and OCTA data of glaucoma patients who were examined in the glaucoma unit of the Evangelisches Krankenhaus Gelsenkirchen between 2016 and 2017 were evaluated.
In SS-OCT, a variety of signs indicating glaucomatous nerve fiber layer defects could be described, which corresponded to vessel defects, mainly of the small vessels and capillaries in OCTA. Samples are described in detail.
SS-OCT is able to detect different patterns of glaucomatous nerve fiber layer defects making it a helpful tool in glaucoma diagnostics. Most frequently, OCTA measurements show similar patterns of capillary rarefication indicating blood supply disturbances in these areas, too. Patients with more advanced OCTA damage may need additional internal and neurological work-up especially when the IOP is normal. Future studies with SS-OCT and OCTA at different stages of glaucoma and with long-term follow-up may provide new insight into the pathogenesis and course of the disease.