Ausgabe 1/2012
Inhalt (18 Artikel)
Therapy of AL amyloidosis – work-up and treatment at our centre
- Short review
C. Kimmich, U. Hegenbart, H. Goldschmidt, A. D. Ho, S. Schönland
Continuous treatment with lenalidomide in multiple myeloma: a case report
- Case report
E. Müldür, A. Weißmann, C. Leitgeb, N. Zojer, M. Schreder, D. Heintel, H. Ludwig
Sustained response to single agent therapy with continuous lenalidomide in a pre-treated high-risk multiple myeloma patient
- Case report
E. Willenbacher, W. Willenbacher, E. Gunsilius
Challenges of anemia correction during radiotherapy and chemoradiation
- Short review
D. Rades, S. E. Schild
Treatment of radiation-induced mucocutaneous toxicity
- Original article
M. Becker-Schiebe, F. Lordick, W. Hoffmann
Anxiety and depression disorders in cancer patients: incidence, diagnosis and therapy
- Short review
D. Fischer, B. Wedel
Medical aspects in oncological rehabilitation
- Short review
J. Klocker, U. Klocker-Kaiser, D. Geissler
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours – new therapeutic concepts
- Short review
M. Troch, B. Kiesewetter, Markus Raderer
Parenteral nutrition for symptom control in a patient with pancreatic cancer and generalized oedema – a case report
- Case report
R. Simanek, A. Henry, D. Weixler, B. Hammerl-Ferrari, K. Geissler, H. Watzke