Ausgabe 1/2018
Inhalt (19 Artikel)
Uro-oncology 2018: new horizons, new treatment options, improved patient outcomes
- Onkologie
- editorial
Ursula M. Vogl
In need of special care: adolescent and young adult patients with cancer
- editorial
Michael N. Dworzak
Anti-angiogenic therapies in brain metastases
- Open Access
- short review
Anna S. Berghoff, Matthias Preusser
Antiangiogenic therapies in ovarian cancer
- short review
Adriaan Vanderstichele, Siel Olbrecht, Ignace Vergote
My burning issues in the neoadjuvant treatment for breast cancer
- Open Access
- review
Elisabeth S. Bergen, Rupert Bartsch
Practice-changing developments in early use of chemohormonal therapy in metastatic prostate cancer
- short review
Peter Horak
Local therapy of stage IV renal cell cancer: a case report
- case report
Muna Ferner, Andrea Vera Keck, Dora Niedersüß-Beke, Kathrin Strasser-Weippl
PD-1 and PD-L1 inhibitors after platinum-based chemotherapy or in first-line therapy in cisplatin-ineligible patients
- Open Access
- short review
Irene Resch, Shahrokh F. Shariat, Kilian M. Gust
Adolescents and young adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and acute myeloid leukemia
- review
Mirella Ampatzidou, Charikleia Kelaidi, Michael N. Dworzak, Sophia Polychronopoulou
Short overview on the current standard of treatment in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma
- Open Access
- short review
Ella Willenbacher, Agnes Balog, Wolfgang Willenbacher
Cell free nucleic acids as diagnostic and prognostic marker in leukemia
- review
Maryam Eini, Seyed Ali Nojoumi, Mohammad-Amin Saki, Abbas Khosravi
Pleural effusion in 11:14 translocation q1 multiple myeloma in the setting of proteasome inhibitor presents therapeutic complexity
- Open Access
- case report
Malik Ghannam, Maria Bryan, Erik Kuross, Brent Berry
ESMO 2017—my personal highlights
- Open Access
- comment
Barbara Kiesewetter, Mircea Dediu, Rupert Bartsch
Correction to: Report from the WCLC 2017 Congress, Yokohama, 15th–18th October, 2017
- Publisher Correction