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memo - Magazine of European Medical Oncology

Ausgabe 4/2015

Inhalt (14 Artikel)

Obituary for Dr. Ferdinand Ploner

  • Obituary

Wolfgang Hilbe

Biomarkers—hope and hype

  • editorial

Martin Filipits

ASCO 2015: Highlights in breast cancer

  • review

Rupert Bartsch, Elisabeth Bergen

ASCO update 2015: lung cancer

  • short review

Georg Pall

Exosomes as novel biomarkers in anticancer therapy

  • short review

Daniel Senfter, Robert M. Mader

Giant Merkel cell carcinoma of the face, immediate results after radiation therapy: a case report and review of the literature

  • case report

Ilson Sepúlveda, Max Schorwer, Enrique Platin, Carolina Delgado, Pablo Mucientes