Ausgabe 4/2017
Inhalt (18 Artikel)
Revival of anti-angiogenic therapies in cancer—news on an old therapeutic concept
- editorial
Andreas Pircher
Anti-angiogenic therapies for the treatment of angiosarcoma: a clinical update
- Open Access
- short review
Robin J. Young, Penella J. Woll
Antiangiogenic therapy in breast cancer
- Open Access
- review
Simon Peter Gampenrieder, Theresa Westphal, Richard Greil
Antiangiogenic therapies in urogenital malignancies
- Open Access
- review
Friederike Haidl, David Pfister, Axel Heidenreich, Isabel Heidegger
Novel concepts of antiangiogenic therapies in metastatic renal cell cancer
- Open Access
- short review
Renate Pichler, Isabel Heidegger
Update on squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
- Open Access
- short review
Teresa Magnes, Alexander Egle, Richard Greil, Thomas Melchardt
ASCO update – what is new in the systemic treatment of advanced soft tissue sarcomas?
- short review
Joanna Szkandera
ASCO 2017—highlights of gynecological cancer
- Open Access
- short review
Bianca Radl, Brigitte Mlineritsch
ASCO-update: gastrointestinal tumors
- Open Access
- short review
Lukas Weiss, Florian Huemer, Richard Greil
Next generation sequencing: clinical applications in solid tumours
- Open Access
- short review
Leonhard Müllauer
Aggressive lymphoma 2016: revision of the WHO classification
- Open Access
- short review
Christine Beham-Schmid
The first meeting of the Austrian Expert Panel for Molecular Cancer Profiling
- special report
Andreas Seeber, Günther Gastl, Wolfgang Eisterer, Simon P. Gampenrieder, Armin Gerger, Markus Kieler, Martin Pichler, Gerald W. Prager, Gerold Untergasser, Ansgar Weltermann, Richard Greil
Clinicopathological profile and treatment outcome of squamous cell carcinoma breast at a tertiary cancer center in South India
- original report
A. H. Rudresha, Abhishek Anand, K. C. Lakshmaiah, K. Govind Babu, D. Lokanatha, Amirtham Usha, Linu Abraham Jacob, Suresh Babu, K. N. Lokesh, L. K. Rajeev, Deepak Koppaka