Nearly half of patients discontinue tamoxifen hormone therapy early because of side effects, thus increasing the risk of breast cancer recurrence. Could a homeopathic treatment improve compliance?
A patient suffering from side effects of tamoxifen was seen in consultation every 2 months for 10 months by a senior homeopathic doctor and a registrar.
Case analysis and repertorisation led to the identification of Pulsatilla as the simillimum drug and tamoxifen 7c as the etiological treatment. This treatment resulted in a rapid and lasting improvement of all the symptoms.
The combination of a homeopathic medicine and a hetero-isotherapic illustrates both the principles of “similarity” and “the identical”. It has proved to be an excellent response to the side effects of tamoxifen. By enhancing the patient’s quality of life, this combined approach also improved adherence to treatment.