Ausgabe 1/2009
Inhalt (5 Artikel)
The use and misuse of journal metrics and other citation indicators
- Varia - Scientometrics
David A. Pendlebury
New developments in the use of citation analysis in research evaluation
- Varia — Scientometrics
Henk F. Moed
The use of bibliometrics to measure research quality in UK higher education institutions
- Varia - Scientometrics
Jonathan Adams
The use of bibliometric indicators to help peer-review assessment
- Varia - Scientometrics
Nicole Haeffner-Cavaillon, Claude Graillot-Gak
Biological activity of dendritic cells generated from cord blood CD34+ hematopoietic progenitors in IL-7- and IL-13-conditioned cultures
- Open Access
- Original Article
BoŻenna Mytar, Małgorzata Stec, Kazimierz Węglarczyk, Marek Zembala