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Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis

Ausgabe 2/2007

Inhalt (7 Artikel)

Potential immunological functions of salivary Hsp70 in mucosal and periodontal defense mechanisms

  • Review

Tibor Károly Fábián, Pál Fejérdy, Minh Tú Nguyen, Csaba Sőti, Péter Csermely

Cytokine production by human leukocytes with different expressions of natural antiviral immunity and the effect of antibodies against interferons and TNF-±

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Beata Orzechowska, Zenon Antoszków, Iwona Siemieniec, Maria Lorenc, Bogna Jatczak, Zofia Błach-Olszewska

Do Langerhans cells play a role in vulvar epithelium resistance to squamous cell carcinoma?

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Helena Rotsztejn, Ewa Trznadel-Budźko, Dorota Jesionek-Kupnicka