Ausgabe 1/2014
Inhalt (15 Artikel)
Evaluation of EGFR, KRAS, and TP53 mutations as predictive of disease recurrence in resected early non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLCs)
- original report
Jair Bar, Maya Damianovich, Goni Hout Siloni, Erel Dar, Yehudit Cohen, Oranit Zadok, Yoram Cohen, Marina Perelman, Iris Barshack, Ronit I Yarden, David Simansky, Alon Ben Nun, Amir Onn
Multi-gene signatures in breast cancer: actual clinical impact
- short review
Simon P. Gampenrieder, Gabriel Rinnerthaler, Richard Greil
Breast cancer surveillance: nothing has changed in the past decades (?)
- short review
Zsuzsanna Kahán
Untreated endometrial cancer: a case report and a review of the literature
- short review
Sofie Leisby Antonsen, Jens Jørgen Kjer, Lian Ulrich
Antibody–cytotoxic drug conjugates in clinical trials and future perspectives: the development of Trojan horses
- short review
Dimitrios Tryfonopoulos
Treatment and clinical results in childhood AML in Greece
- short review
Sofia Polychronopoulou, Margarita Baka, Marina Servitzoglou, Vasilios Papadakis, Apostolos Pourtsidis, Georgia Avgerinou, Mirella Abatzidou, Helen Kosmidis
Development of treatment and clinical results in childhood acute myeloid leukemia in Slovenia in the period from 1991 to 2010
- short review
Orjana Velikonja, Milica Stefanović, Lidija Kitanovski, Helena Podgornik, Janez Jazbec
Development of treatment and clinical results in childhood AML in Austria (1993–2013)
- original report
Heidrun Boztug, Nora Mühlegger, Evgenia Glogova, Georg Mann, Christian Urban, Bernhard Meister, Klaus Schmitt, Neil Jones, Andishe Attarbaschi, Oskar Haas, Sabine Strehl, Thomas Lion, Ulrike Pötschger, Franz-Martin Fink, Helmut Gadner, Michael Dworzak