Ausgabe 1-2/2006
Inhalt (17 Artikel)
Hinweise auf Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
- Diese Woche in der Wiener klinischen Wochenschrift
Hinweise auf Artikel in anderen Zeitschriften
- Neues aus Medizin und Wissenschaft
Myocarditis diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging
- Images in Clinical Medicine
Gert Klug, Thomas Trieb, Michael F. Schocke, Matthias Frick, Otmar Pachinger, Bernhard Metzler
Retinoblastoma: a proposal for a multimodal treatment concept for intraocular retinoblastoma in Austria
- Original Article
Petra Sovinz, Christian Urban, Herwig Lackner, Martin Benesch, Gerald Langmann
Invasive meningococcal disease in Austria 2002: assessment of completeness of notification by comparison of two independent data sources
- Original Article
Christian Berghold, Andrea Berghold, Gerhard Fülöp, Sigrid Heuberger, Reinhild Strauss, Werner Zenz
Oral acupuncture in the therapy of craniomandibular dysfunction syndrome – a randomized controlled trial
- Original Article
Martina Schmid-Schwap, Irmgard Simma-Kletschka, Andreas Stockner, Michaela Sengstbratl, Jochen Gleditsch, Michael Kundi, Eva Piehslinger
Hyperalgesia against capsaicin in persons with uninvestigated dyspepsia: potential as a new diagnostic test
- Original Article
Johann Hammer
Autologous stem-cell transplantation in progressing amyloidosis is associated with severe transplant-related toxicity
- Original Article
Nina Worel, Axel Schulenburg, Margit Mitterbauer, Felix Keil, Werner Rabitsch, Peter Kalhs, Heinz Gisslinger, Markus Raderer, Klaus Geissler, Paul Höcker, Christoph C. Zielinski, Rainer Oberbauer, Hildegard T. Greinix
Successful switch from long-term intravenous iloprost to non-invasive combination therapy in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension
- Case Report
Michael Halank, Martin Kolditz, Christian Opitz, Gert Hoeffken, Ralf Ewert
Successful administration of levosimendan in a patient with low-gradient low-output aortic stenosis
- Case Report
Daniel Hoefer, Patrycja Jonetzko, Christoph Hoermann, Guenther Laufer, Gerhard Poelzl
Bioethics, the Surviving Sepsis Campaign and the industry
- Letters to the Editor
J. Bion, J. L. Vincent, P. Angood, A. Malliani, A. F. Mackenzie, G. Ricevuti, C. Gasparetto, G. Röggla, B. Moser
Wiener Intensivmedizinische Tage 2006
- Supplement