Ausgabe 3-4/2025
Inhalt (10 Artikel)
Childhood asthma and mould in homes—A meta-analysis
- Open Access
- review article
Marton Kristof Varga, Hanns Moshammer, Oral Atanyazova
Maternal and neonatal outcomes in kidney transplant recipients: a single-center observational study
- original article
Ayse Serra Artan, Safak Mirioglu, Elif Ünal, Vafa Suleymanova, Ozgur Akin Oto, Savas Ozturk, Halil Yazici, Tuğba Saraç Sivrikoz, Aydin Turkmen
Deciphering the role of lactate as a prognostic indicator in pediatric diabetic ketoacidosis
- original article
Abdulrahman Özel, Esra Ecem Erol, Servet Yüce, Övgü Büke, Feride Tahmiscioglu, Meltem Erol
The future of general practice and family medicine in Austria
- Open Access
- short report
Susanne Rabady
Balint groups’ possible role in self-care and job satisfaction of general practitioners—A qualitative study
- Open Access
- Primärversorgung
- original article
Karina Schweiger, Benedikt Hofbaur, Susanne Rabady
Attitudes of the general population and mental health practitioners towards blended therapy in Austria
- Open Access
- original article
Gloria Mittmann, Verena Steiner-Hofbauer, Beate Schrank
Researcher of the Month
- Researcher of the Month
Fortbildungen der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie
- mitteilungen der österreichischen gesellschaft für pneumologie
mitteilungen der gesellschaft der ärzte in wien
- mitteilungen der gesellschaft der ärzte in wien