Ausgabe 11-12/2011
Inhalt (14 Artikel)
Diese Woche in der Wiener klinischen Wochenschrift
- Diese Woche in der Wiener klinischen Wochenschrift
Body weight perception among high school students and its influence on weight management behaviors in normal weight students: a cross-sectional study
- Original article
Sorin Ursoniu, Salomeia Putnoky, Brigitha Vlaicu
Impaired regulation of calcium excretion in kidney transplant recipients
- Original article
Ruzica Smalcelj, Vesna Kusec
Awareness and knowledge of child abuse amongst physicians – a descriptive study by a sample of rural Austria
- Original Article
Christoph Kraus, Elisabeth Jandl-Jager
Recruitment of patients with type 2 diabetes for target group specific exercise programs at an Outpatient Department of a Medical University: A factor analysis
- Original Article
Christian Lackinger, Thomas Lamprecht, Yvonne Winhofer, Lana Kosi, Alexandra Kautzky-Willer
Successful allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia during respiratory failure and invasive mechanical ventilation
- Original article
Alexandra Boehm, Werner Rabitsch, Gottfried J. Locker, Nina Worel, Oliver Robak, Klaus F. Laczika, Thomas Staudinger, Andja Bojic, Viktoria Siersch, Peter Valent, Wolfgang R. Sperr
Perioperative and follow-up results in chronic pancreatitis patients after pancreatic resection
- Original Article
Jana Kaťuchová, Juraj Bober, Pavol Harbuľák, Jozef Radoňak
Overall survival and extent of surgery in adult versus elderly glioblastoma patients: A population based retrospective study
- Original article
Iris Zachenhofer, Roland Maier, Helmut Eiter, Bernhard Muxel, Manfred Cejna, Alexander DeVries, Karl Roessler
Interventionseffekte einer Aktivitätserhöhung von 3000 Schritten mehr am Tag
- Originalarbeit
Birgit Wallmann, Ingo Froboese
Ruhepuls und funktionelle Einschränkungen als prognostische Parameter bei herzinsuffizienten Patienten im tatsächlichen Leben. Daten aus dem Herzinsuffizienz-Register der ÖKG
- Originalarbeit
Friedrich M. Fruhwald, Hanno Ulmer, Richard Pacher, Gerhard Pölzl, Claudia Dornaus, Manfred Wieser, Christian Ebner, Susanne Reiter, Lalit Kaltenbach, Johann Altenberger
Feasibility of transcutaneous electrical muscle stimulation in acute exacerbation of COPD
- Short report
Uros Meglic, Jure Sorli, Mitja Kosnik, Mitja Lainscak
Management of complications after varicoportal anastomosis in liver transplantation
- Case report
Daniela Kniepeiss, Helmut Müller, Doris Wagner, Florian Iberer, Karl-Heinz Tscheliessnigg
MUW researcher of the month
- MUW researcher of the month
Mitteilungen der gesellschaft
- Mitteilungen der gesellschaft