Ausgabe 13-14/2005
Inhalt (16 Artikel)
Hinweise auf Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
- Diese Woche in der Wiener klinischen Wochenschrift
Hinweise auf Artikel in anderen Zeitschriften
- Neues aus Medizin und Wissenschaft
In-vitro-Tests zur Bestimmung der allergenen Potenz von „Novel Foods“ und genetisch veränderten Organismen: Relevanz in vivo?
- Perspektive
E. Jensen-Jarolim, E. Untersmayr
Early diagnosis of prostate cancer: The continuing debate on the impact on mortality
- Editorial
Wolfgang Höltl, Gerhard Lunglmayr
The role of inflammation in the pathophysiology of acute coronary syndromes
- Übersicht
Hannes F. Alber, Alois Suessenbacher, Franz Weidinger
Apical ballooning syndrome
- Images in Clinical Medicine
Wolfgang Dichtl, Hannes F. Alber, Guy Friedrich, Silvana Müller, Otmar Pachinger, Thomas Bartel
Prostate cancer and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening in Austria
- Original Article
Christian Vutuc, Eva S. Schernhammer, Gerald Haidinger, Thomas Waldhör
Impact of disease severity on quality of life in adults with asthma
- Original Article
Elisabeth Horak, Susan M. Sawyer, Mary Roberts, Anna Lanigan, John B. Carlin, Anthony Olinsky, Colin F. Robertson
Trends in educational and occupational differentials in all-cause mortality in Austria between 1981/82 and 1991/92
- Original Article
Gabriele Doblhammer, Roland Rau, Josef Kytir
Initial experience with oral valganciclovir for pre-emptive cytomegalovirus therapy after lung transplantation
- Original Article
Clemens Aigner, Peter Jaksch, Guenther Winkler, Kriztina Czebe, Shahrokh Taghavi, Gabriel Marta, Walter Klepetko
Plasma levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids in children with atopic dermatitis and in atopic and nonatopic controls
- Original Article
Margarete Focke, Gabriele Sesztak-Greinecker, Werner Brannath, Manfred Götz, Reinhart Jarisch, Wolfgang Hemmer
Appendix vermiformis duplex – An unexpected surprise
- Fallbericht
Babak Sobhian, Margit Mostegel, Claudia Kunc, Josef Karner
Herpes simplex virus infection limited to the brainstem
- Case Report
Matjaz Jereb, Mitja Lainscak, Jozica Marin, Mara Popovic
Anthroposophic therapy of respiratory and ear infections
- Letter to the Editor
Harald J. Hamre, Michael Fischer, Marianne Heger, David Riley, Max Haidvogl, Erik Baars, Eileen Bristol, Michael Evans, Reinhard Schwarz, Helmut Kiene