Ausgabe 15-16/2011
Inhalt (15 Artikel)
Prasugrel vs. Ticagrelor in acute coronary syndromes: Which one to choose?
- Review article
Hannes F. Alber, Kurt Huber, Otmar Pachinger, Matthias Frick
Brain changes in myasthenia gravis-related hypoxia
- Images in clinical medicine
Anastasia Oikonomou, Emanuelle Astrinakis, Ioannis Pnevmatikos, Panos Prassopoulos
Is the systemic inflammatory reaction to surgery responsible for post-operative pain after tonsillectomy, and is it "technique-related"?
- Original article
Zeljka Roje, Goran Racic, Goran Kardum, Mirnes Selimovic
Extensor pollicis longus rupture after distal radius fracture: Results of reconstruction by transposition of the extensor indicis tendon and postoperative dynamic splinting
- Original article
Markus Figl, Michael Mayer, Stefan Lederer, Robert Bogner, Martin Leixnering
Compartmental resection for subfascial extremity soft tissue sarcoma and quality of life in long-term survivors
- Original article
Matthias Peiper, Hanno Matthaei, Edwin Bölke, David Zurakowski, Klaus Orth, Antje Heinecke, Wolfram Trudo Knoefel
Homocysteine and asymmetric dimethylarginine in relation to B vitamins in elderly people
- Original article
Elisabeth Fabian, Andrea Kickinger, Karl-Heinz Wagner, Ibrahim Elmadfa
Left ventricular function-conduction impairment as reflected by the ECG in chronic aortic regurgitation
- Original article
Siegfried H. Recke
Acute pandysautonomia – restitutio ad integrum by high prednisolone therapy
- Case report
Walter Struhal, Stephanie Hödl, Samy Mazhar, Gerhard Ransmayr
Charcot shoulder caused by Chiari type I malformation with syringomyelia with six-year follow-up
- Case report
Gordan Grahovac, Milorad Vilendecic, Dubravka Srdoc
Pneumatosis coli – an underrecognized lesion mimicking neoplastic disease
- Case report
Karin Amrein, Christoph Högenauer, Christopher Spreizer, Ekkehard Spuller, Cord Langner
ECG in acute myocardial infarction – inferior not anterior but left and right
- Letter to the editor
Johann Auer, Robert Berent, Carina Primus
Mitteilungen der gesellschaft
- Mitteilungen der gesellschaft
Sabina Baumgartner-Parzer, Barbara Obermayer-Pietsch