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Wiener klinische Wochenschrift

Ausgabe 17-18/2010

Inhalt (9 Artikel)

Hinweise auf Artikel in dieser Ausgabe

  • Diese Woche in der Wiener klinischen Wochenschrift

Elevated serum anti-mullerian hormone in adolescent and young adult Chinese patients with polycystic ovary syndrome

  • Original article

Lin Li, Xiaoli Chen, Yaqin Mo, Yaxiao Chen, Meiying Wenig, Dongzi Yang

Pharmacologic undertreatment of osteoporosis in Austrian nursing homes and senior's residences

  • original article

Peter Pietschmann, Ursula Azizi-Semrad, Katharina Pils, Astrid Fahrleitner-Pammer, Heinrich Resch, Harald Dobnig

The toothpick-tale – Take your patient seriously: a decade of pain and immobilization caused by an unrecognized toothpick!

  • Short report

Lorenz Larcher, Ingo Plötzeneder, Stefan Riml, Robert Köhnke, Cristof Tasch, Peter Kompatscher

Is it really a true reversal?

  • Letter to the editor

Eva Mann, Andrea Icks, Bernhard Haastert, Gabriele Meyer