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Wiener klinische Wochenschrift

Ausgabe 17-18/2022 Focus Cardiology

Inhalt (9 Artikel)

Postresuscitation care and prognostication after cardiac arrest—Does sex matter?

  • Open Access
  • original article

Julia Hasslacher, Hanno Ulmer, Georg Lehner, Sebastian Klein, Timo Mayerhoefer, Romuald Bellmann, Michael Joannidis

Impact of socioeconomic aspects on cardiac implantable electronic device treatment and application of the EHRA guidelines

  • original article

Marwin Bannehr, David Reiners, Michael Lichtenauer, Kristen Kopp, Peter Jirak, Christian Georgi, Christian Butter, Christoph Edlinger

Cardio-oncology in Austria: cardiotoxicity and surveillance of anti-cancer therapies

  • Open Access
  • position paper

Jutta Bergler-Klein, Peter P. Rainer, Markus Wallner, Marc-Michael Zaruba, Jakob Dörler, Armin Böhmer, Tamara Buchacher, Maria Frey, Christopher Adlbrecht, Rupert Bartsch, Mariann Gyöngyösi, Ursula-Maria Fürst

Refinement of data is needed concerning the long-term prognosis of patients with takotsubo syndrome

  • letter to the editors

Claudia Stöllberger, Maria Winkler-Dworak, Birke Schneider

MUW researcher of the month

  • MUW researcher of the month


  • mitteilungen der gesellschaft der ärzte in wien