Ausgabe 19-20/2003
Inhalt (15 Artikel)
Tuberculosis and HIV disease: Two decades of a dual epidemic
- Review Article
Muktar H. Aliyu, Hamisu M. Salihu
Maßnahmen durch Ersthelfer am Unfallort Eine prospektive, epidemiologische Studie im Raum Wien
- Originalarbeit
Walter Mauritz, Linda E. Pelinka, Alfred Kaff, Bernhard Segall, Peter Fridrich
Complementary therapies in cancer patients: prevalence and patients’ motives
- Original Article
Wolfgang Spiegel, Thomas Zidek, Christian Vutuc, Manfred Maier, Karin Isak, Michael Micksche
Safety of a combined strength and endurance training using neuromuscular electrical stimulation of thighs muscles in patients with heart failure and bipolar sensing cardiac pacemakers
- Original Article
Richard Crevenna, Winfried Mayr, Mohammad Keilani, Johannes Pleiner, Martin Nuhr, Michael Quittan, Richard Pacher, Veronika Fialka-Moser, Michael Wolzt
Pain and stress management in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit — A national survey in Austria
- Original Article
Klaudia Rohrmeister, Veronika Kretzer, Angelika Berger, Nadja Haiden, Christina Kohlhauser, Arnold Pollak
Women’s position during labour: influence on maternal and neonatal outcome
- Original Article
Barbara Bodner-Adler, Klaus Bodner, Oliver Kimberger, Plamen Lozanov, Peter Husslein, Klaus Mayerhofer
Detection of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptors R1 and R2 (CRH-R1, CRH-R2) using fluorescence immunohistochemistry in the myometrium of women delivering pretern or at term
- Original Article
Stefan Jirecek, Barbara Tringler, Martin Knöfler, Sandra Bauer, Ata Topcuoglu, Christian Egarter
Misdiagnosis of pulmonary embolism in patients with allergic reaction — The importance of prior probability of disease
- Clinical Practice
Karin Janata, Mathias Prokop, Cornelia Schaefer-Prokop, Anton N. Laggner
Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction (Ogilvie’s-syndrome) and Pneumatosis intestinalis in a kidney recipient patient
- Case Report
Herwig Pokorny, Walter Plöchl, Thomas Soliman, Andreas M. Herneth, Martina Scharitzer, Peter Pokieser, Gabriela A. Berlakovich, Ferdinand Mühlbacher
Fauser, A. (Hrsg.): Therapeutisches Vorgehen bei Fieber unklarer Genese (UNI-MED Science)
- Buchbesprechung
Heinz Burgmann