Ausgabe 19-20/2008
Inhalt (11 Artikel)
Hinweise auf Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
- Diese Woche in der Wiener klinischen Wochenschrift
Der Anfang – und wie es weiterging: 125 Jahre Klinisches Institut für Neurologie
- Editorial
Hans Bernheimer
Food-borne zoonoses, the EU zoonosis legislation and the prospects for food safety and consumer protection during primary animal production
- Position Paper
Frans J.M. Smulders, Ivar Vågsholm, Hannu Korkeala
Differences in critical care practice between an industrialized and a developing country
- Original Article
Martin W. Dünser, Otgon Bataar, Ganbat Tsenddorj, Ganbold Lundeg, Christian Torgersen, Jacques-André Romand, Walter R. Hasibeder
Percutaneous ethanol instillation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma – a randomized controlled trial
- Original Article
Christian Müller, Maximilian Schöniger-Hekele, Rüdiger Schernthaner, Barbara Renner, Markus Peck-Radosavljevic, Andrea Brichta, Fritz Wrba, Martin Posch, Peter Bauer, Peter Ferenci, Alfred Gangl
Professor Otto Marburg, universal neurologist and the 'dean of teachers'
- History of Medicine
Lazaros C. Triarhou
Anale HPV-Infektionen
- Konsensusbericht
Felix Aigner, Friedrich Conrad, Andreas Widschwendter, Robert Zangerle, Bettina Zelger, Alfred Haidenberger, Sebastian Roka, Kurt Heim, Reinhard Höpfl, Martin Klimpfinger, Yves Marcus Rigler, Hugo Bonatti, Johann Pfeifer, Andrea Maier, Reinhard Kirnbauer, Andreas Salat
Reactivation of tuberculosis after total hip replacement – 58 years after primary infection
- Letter to the Editor
Antun Maricevic, Zoran Đogaš, Ivana Goic-Barišić, Igor Barišić