Ausgabe 19-20/2014
Inhalt (16 Artikel)
Evaluation of a meal replacement-based weight management program in primary care settings according to the actual European Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Obesity in Adults
- Open Access
- original article
Renate Kruschitz, Sandra Johanna Wallner-Liebmann, Harald Lothaller, Maria Luger, Karin Schindler, Friedrich Hoppichler, Bernhard Ludvik
Risk factors for the prescription of potentially inappropriate medication (PIM) in the elderly
- original article
Stephanie Stock, Marcus Redaelli, Dusan Simic, Martin Siegel, Frank Henschel
Hypertension management in primary care: how effective is a telephone recall for patients with low appointment adherence in a practice setting?
- original article
Birgitta M. Weltermann, Sahar Mousa Doost, Christine Kersting, Stefan Gesenhues
Daytime sleepiness in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and severe obesity: prevalence, predictors, and therapy
- original article
Ulrich Koehler, Catharina Buchholz, Werner Cassel, Olaf Hildebrandt, Felicitas Redhardt, Keywan Sohrabi, Janine Töpel, Christoph Nell, Wolfram Grimm
Biological pathways involved in the development of inflammatory bowel disease
- original article
Mateja Zemljic, Bozena Pejkovic, Ivan Krajnc, Saska Lipovsek
Comparability and quality of IgE-based in vitro allergy diagnosis: 25 years of external quality assessment
- original article
Lukas Koch, Werner Aberer
Prediction of cancer incidence in Tyrol/Austria for year of diagnosis 2020
- original article
Willi Oberaigner, Sabine Geiger-Gritsch
Patient-specific evaluation of knee disorders in clinical practice
- original article
Lukas Leopold Negrin, Stefan Hajdu
Is suprascapular neuropathy common in high-performance beach volleyball players? A retrospective analysis
- short report
Karin Pieber, Malvina Herceg, Christian Fialka, Gerhard Oberleitner, Wolfgang Gruther, Tatjana Paternostro-Sluga
The relationship between mean platelet volume and pelvic inflammatory disease
- letter to the editor
Ercan Varol
An unusual gastric ulcer cause: celiac crisis
- letter to the editor
Erdem Akbal, Gökhan Erbağ, Emine Binnetoğlu, Fahri Güneş, Yıldız Garip Bilen
- gesellschaft der ärzte in wien
- mitteilungen der gesellschaft