Ausgabe 21-22/2011
Inhalt (17 Artikel)
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift Articles of the month
- Articles of the month
Prophylaxe und Therapie der Glukokortikoid-induzierten Osteoporose – rezente Leitlinien im Überblick
- Übersicht
Bernhard Rintelen, Klaus Bobacz, Günter Höfle, Peter Peichl, Franz Rainer, Kurt Weber, Markus Gaugg
Dupuytren's and Ledderhose's contractures in a patient under long-term anticonvulsant drugs
- Images in clinical medicine
Valdeci Juarez Pomblum, Neusa Aita Agne, Rafael Cruz de Oliveira
Diagnostic value of some less frequently considered blink reflex parameters in idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia
- Original article
Ivan Mikula, Snježana Miškov, Vesna Šerić, Jelena Bošnjak
Adipose tissue expression of interleukin-18 mRNA is elevated in subjects with metabolic syndrome and independently associated with fasting glucose
- Original article
Thomas W. Weiss, Harald Arnesen, Marius Trøseid, Christoph Kaun, Elsa M. Hjerkinn, Kurt Huber, Johann Wojta, Ingebjorg Seljeflot
Value of diffusion-weighted MRI in the differentiation of benign and malign breast lesions
- Original article
G. Sonmez, F. Cuce, H. Mutlu, M. Incedayi, E. Ozturk, O. Sildiroglu, M. Velioglu, C.C. Bashekim, E. Kizilkaya
Clinical characteristics of adult patients with influenza-like illness hospitalized in general ward during Influenza A H1N1 pandemic 2009/2010
- Original article
B. Pečavar, K. Nadrah, L. Papst, V. Čeč, T. Kotar, M. Matičič, J. Meglič-Volkar, L. Vidmar, B. Beović
Relation between transforming growth factor-β1 expression, its receptor and clinicopathological factors and survival in HER2-negative gastric cancers
- Original article
Julian Ananiev, Maya Gulubova, Georgi Tchernev, Mariana Penkova, Radostina Miteva, Alexander Julianov, Irena Manolova
Massive bilateral renal angiomyolipomatosis and multifocal micronodular pneumocytes hyperplasia associated with tuberous sclerosis: A case report
- Case report
Mehmet Incedayi, Guner Sonmez, Cinar Basekim
Lactococcus garvieae septicaemia in a patient with artificial heart valves
- Case report
Kristina Nadrah, Tjaša Cerar, Lea Papst, Jelka Volkar-Meglič, Mojca Matičič, Primož Karner, Ludvik Vidmar, Manica Müller Premru, Bojana Beović
Long lasting remission by rituximab in a patient with primary cold agglutinin autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
- Case report
Marjana Glaser, Andrej Glaser, Marjan Skalicky
The 5-year follow-up of a cortical stress fracture resulting in a spontaneous atypical subtrochanteric femoral fracture in a female patient with severe osteoporosis and bisphosphonate therapy over 15 years
- Case report
Judith Haschka, Friederike Kühne, Christian Muschitz, Thomas Pirker, Roland Kocijan, Christina Bittighofer, Angela Trubrich, Heinrich Resch
Influenza-related excess mortality necessitates an urgent call for action
- Letter to the editor
Ursula Kunze, Thomas Dorner
Mitteilungen der gesellschaf
- Mitteilungen der gesellschaft
- Mitteilungen der gesellschaft