Ausgabe 23-24/2005
Inhalt (15 Artikel)
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- Diese Woche in der Wiener klinischen Wochenschrift
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- Neues aus Medizin und Wissenschaft
Direkte und indirekte Antithrombine bei akuten Coronarsyndromen
- Übersicht
Thomas Höchtl, Alexander Geppert, Michael Nürnberg, Gerhard Unger, Walter Speidl, Johann Wojta, Kurt Huber
Multiple inappropriate defibrillator discharges due to Twiddler's syndrome
- Images in Clinical Medicine
Stefan Asbach, Michael Brunner, Manfred Zehender, Christoph Bode, Thomas S. Faber
An outbreak of Norovirus infection affecting an Austrian nursing home and a hospital
- Original Article
Daniela Schmid, Ingeborg Lederer, Anna-Margaretha Pichler, Christian Berghold, Eckart Schreier, Franz Allerberger
Pyogenic liver abscesses with Escherichia coli: etiology, clinical course, outcome, and prognostic factors
- Original Article
Shiuan-Chih Chen, Chi-Hua Yen, Kuang-Chi Lai, Shih-Ming Tsao, Ken-Sheng Cheng, Chun-Chieh Chen, Meng-Chih Lee, Ming-Chih Chou
Regular physical exercise normalizes elevated asymmetrical dimethylarginine concentrations in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus
- Original Article
Friedrich Mittermayer, Johannes Pleiner, Katarzyna Krzyzanowska, Günther F. Wiesinger, Mario Francesconi, Michael Wolzt
Retrospective analysis of re-irradiation in malignant glioma: a single-center experience
- Original Article
Rupert Bartsch, Hajo-Dirk Weitmann, Wolfgang Pennwieser, Catharina Wenzel, Sabine Muschitz, Mike Baldass, Marco Hassler, Christine Marosi, Karl Rössler, Richard Pötter, Karin Dieckmann
Prediction of success in the first-year exam in the study of medicine – a prospective survey
- Original Article
Gerald Haidinger, Oskar Frischenschlager, Lukas Mitterauer
Tandem high-dose chemotherapy supported by autologous peripheral blood stem-cell transplantation and radiotherapy for recurrent malignant fibrous histiocytoma
- Case Report
Edwin Bölke, Leilani Ruf, Wilfried Budach, Petra Reinecke, Ansgar Röhrborn, Hildegard Pape, Andreas Schwarz, Gerd Schmitt, Carlo Aul
A colloid cyst of the third ventricle – the cause of episodic headache and sudden unexpected death in an adolescent girl
- Case Report
Maja Skerbinjek Kavalar, Rajko Kavalar, Tadej Strojnik