Ausgabe 23-24/2008
Inhalt (13 Artikel)
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- Diese Woche in der Wiener klinischen Wochenschrift – Neues aus Medizin und Wissenschaft
Polypharmacy, inappropriate prescribing and adverse drug reactions in Austria
- Editorial
Markus Müller
Radiotherapie der Weichteilsarkome – Teil einer multidisziplinären Strategie
- Review Article
Hildegard Pape, Klaus Orth, Rainer Engers, Christiane Matuschek, Anja Müller, Karl-Axel Hartmann, Peter Arne Gerber, Guido Lammering, Daniel Habermehl, Roland Fenk, Wilfried Budach, Stephan Gripp, Matthias Peiper, Edwin Bölke
Soft tissue sarcoma
- Images in Clinical Medicine
Matthias Peiper, Peter Arne Gerber, Rainer Engers, Christiane Matuschek, Wilfried Budach, Stephan Gripp, Hildegard Pape, Klaus Orth, Edwin Bölke
Polypharmacy and inappropriate prescribing in elderly internal-medicine patients in Austria
- Original Article
Jochen Schuler, Christina Dückelmann, Wolfgang Beindl, Erika Prinz, Thomas Michalski, Max Pichler
Prevention of contrast media-induced nephropathy by isotonic sodium bicarbonate: a meta-analysis
- Original Article
Michael Joannidis, Marianne Schmid, Christian J. Wiedermann
Abnormal pulmonary arterial pressure limits exercise capacity in patients with COPD
- Original Article
Karin Vonbank, Georg Christian Funk, Beatrice Marzluf, Bernhard Burian, Rolf Ziesche, Leopold Stiebellehner, Ventzislav Petkov, Paul Haber
Is day-case cataract surgery an attractive alternative from the patients' point of view? A questionnaire survey
- Original Article
Birgit Weingessel, Sibylla Richter-Mueksch, Andreas Weingessel, Hans Gnad, Pia Veronika Vécsei-Marlovits
Indications for caesarean delivery between 1955 and 2005
- Original Article
Andreja Trojner Bregar, Vasilij M. Cerar, Zvonka Zupanič Slavec, Ivan Verdenik
Iatrogenic metastasis of a benign meningioma to the periosteum at the site of previous craniotomy: a case report
- Case Report
Tomaz Velnar, Gorazd Bunc