Ausgabe 23-24/2010
Inhalt (18 Artikel)
Hinweise auf Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
- Diese Woche in der Wiener klinischen Wochenschrift
Public Health Analyse – Humane Papillomviren Daten und Fakten für Österreich
- Perspektive
Ursula Kunze, Gabriela Böhm
Health, self-regulation of bodily signals and intelligence: Review and hypothesis
- Review article
Christian Fazekas, Anton Leitner, Walter Pieringer
Public knowledge of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in Republic of Slovenia
- Original article
Renata Rajapakse, Marko Noč, Janko Kersnik
Adaptive behaviour in Down syndrome: a cross-sectional study from childhood to adulthood
- Original article
Anastasia Dressler, Valentina Perelli, Martha Feucht, Stefania Bargagna
Molecular surveillance of drug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum in two distinct geographical areas of Nigeria
- Original article
Olusola Ojurongbe, Segun I. Oyedeji, Wellington A. Oyibo, Adetola F. Fagbenro-Beyioku, Jürgen F. Kun
A case series of 46 appendectomies during pregnancy
- Original article
Alpaslan Terzi, Fahrettin Yildiz, Mehmet Vural, Sacit Coban, Hasan Cece, Murat Kaya
QT dispersion in patients with pulmonary embolism
- Original article
Necip Ermıs, Hilal Ermıs, Nazan Sen, Alper Kepez, Bilal Cuglan
Tobacco smoke load and non-lung cancer mortality associations in Austrian and German males
- Original article
Livia Borsoi, Bruce Leistikow, Manfred Neuberger
Cognitive function in elderly marathon runners: Cross-sectional data from the marathon trial (apsoem)
- Original article
Robert Winker, Ina Lukas, Thomas Perkmann, Helmut Haslacher, Elisabeth Ponocny, Johann Lehrner, Dimiter Tscholakoff, Peter Dal-Bianco
An uncommon cause of anaemia: Sheehan's syndrome
- Case report
Thomas Melchardt, Konrad Namberger, Lukas Weiss, Alexander Egle, Viktoria Faber, Richard Greil
Gallstone ileus: correlation between computed tomography, double-balloon enteroscopy and intra-operative findings
- Case report
Koen J. Hartemink, Suzanne M. Hepp, Indra C. Pieters-van den Bos, Stijn J. B. van Weyenberg
Perkutane renale Denervierung bei therapieresistenter Hypertonie – Erste Erfahrungen in Österreich
- Fallbericht
Georg Goliasch, Michael Wolzt, Peter Höfer, Georg Delle-Karth, Gerhard Kreiner, Thomas Neunteufel, Gerald Maurer, Thomas Binder
Reply to a letter to the editor concerning the case report "A rare case of milky urine"
- Letter to the editor
Hannes Neuwirt, Alexander R. Rosenkranz