Ausgabe 23-24/2011
Inhalt (14 Artikel)
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift Articles of the month
- Articles of the month
Application of the comet assay method in clinical studies
- Review article
Petra Fikrová, Rudolf Štětina, Miloslav Hronek, Radek Hyšpler, Alena Tichá, Zdeněk Zadák
Classification of follicular lymphoma images: A holistic approach with symbol-based machine learning methods
- Original article
Milan Zorman, José Luis Sánchez de la Rosa, Dejan Dinevski
Bacterial colonization or infection in chronic sinusitis
- Original article
Nenad Pandak, Ivana Pajić-Penavić, Alen Sekelj, Maja Tomić-Paradžik, Ivica Čabraja, Božana Miklaušić
Comparative study of frequency of different lymphocytes subpopulation in peripheral blood of patients with prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia
- Original article
Stanislav Sotosek, Vlatka Sotosek Tokmadzic, Ines Mrakovcic-Sutic, Maja Ilic Tomas, Marin Dominovic, Vera Tulic, Ivana Sutic, Antun Maricic, Jadranko Sokolic, Alan Sustic
Serum HER2/ECD value in stage I and II early breast cancer – need of a lower cut-off?
- Original article
Sasha Badzek, Vesna Lesko Kelovic, Stjepko Plestina, Ines Humar, Zoran Veir, Zeljko Mihaljevic
Venomous snakebites in the Croatian North Dalmatia region
- Original article
Robert Karlo, Boris Dželalija, Božidar Župančić , Ivan Bačić , Tihomir Dunatov, Ante Kanjer, Rade Škarica, Srećko Sabalić, Nado Bukvic, Harry Nikolić, Goran Augustin
N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and long-term mortality in non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy
- Original article
Florian Krackhardt, Hans-Dirk Düngen, Tobias Daniel Trippel, Simone Inkrot, Verena Tscholl, Peter Schlattmann, Kathrin Kehrt, Wilhelm Haverkamp
Osteoporosis in psoriatic arthritis: Is there any?
- Original article
Simeon Grazio, Selma Cvijetić, Tonko Vlak, Frane Grubišić, Valentina Matijević, Tomislav Nemčić, Marija Punda, Zvonko Kusić
Outbreak of leptospirosis among triathlon participants in Langau, Austria, 2010
- Original article
Christoph Radl, Maria Müller, Sandra Revilla-Fernandez, Stefanie Karner-Zuser, Alfred de Martin, Ulrike Schauer, Franz Karner, Gerold Stanek, Peter Balcke, Andreas Hallas, Herbert Frank, Albert Fürnschlief, Friedrich Erhart, Franz Allerberger
Vorstand und Ausschuss der ÖGIM Stand 01. Jänner 2012
- Mitteilungen der gesellschaft
- Mitteilungen der gesellschaft