Ausgabe 3-4/2007
Inhalt (13 Artikel)
Hinweise auf Artikel in dieser Ausgabe – Hinweise auf Artikel in anderen Zeitschriften
- Diese Woche in der Wiener klinischen Wochenschrift – Neues aus Medizin und Wissenschaft
Europäische Pneumologie – Eine besondere Herausforderung für Deutschland und Österreich
- Perspektive
Nikolaus Konietzko
Molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis: toy or tool? A review of the literature and examples from Central Europe
- Review Article
Wolfgang M. Prodinger
An extreme case of neurofibromatosis type 1
- Images in Clinical Medicine
Davor Štimac, Srdjan Novak, Tina Guina
Die Kosten von "Gehirnerkrankungen" in Österreich im Jahr 2004
- Originalarbeit
Johannes Wancata, Patrick Sobocki, Heinz Katschnig
Plasma ghrelin response to an oral glucose load in growth hormone-deficient adults treated with growth hormone
- Original Article
Peter Pusztai, Judit Toke, Aniko Somogyi, Eva Ruzicska, Beatrix Sarman, Karoly Racz, Zsolt Tulassay
Another 'soberade' on the market: does Outox keep its promise?
- Original Article
Marion Pavlic, Kathrin Libiseller, Petra Grubwieser, Hanno Ulmer, Tonja Sauper, Walter Rabl
Competency and educational needs in palliative care
- Original Article
Gerhild Becker, Felix Momm, Annemarie Gigl, Brigitte Wagner, Johann Baumgartner
Learning by doing: a novel approach to improving general practitioners' diagnostic skills for common mental disorders
- Original Article
Wolfgang Spiegel, Hans Tönies, Michael Scherer, Heinz Katschnig
A comparison of two different treatments with navigated extracorporeal shock-wave therapy for calcifying tendinitis – a randomized controlled trial
- Original Article
Manuel Sabeti, Ronald Dorotka, Alexandra Goll, Martin Gruber, Klaus Dieter Schatz
Hypocalcemic tetany in the newborn as a manifestation of unrecognized maternal primary hyperparathyroidism
- Case Report
Herwig Pieringer, Margit Hatzl-Griesenhofer, Omar Shebl, Gabriele Wiesinger-Eidenberger, Wilhelmine Maschek, Georg Biesenbach
Dr. Franjo (Franz) Kresnik (1869–1943): a physician and a violin maker
- History in Medicine
Ante Škrobonja, Amir Muzur
Suicide by shooting is correlated to rate of gun licenses in Austrian counties
- Letter to the Editor
Peter Birner