Ausgabe 3-4/2011
Inhalt (18 Artikel)
Hinweise auf Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
- Diese Woche in der Wiener klinischen Wochenschrift
Das Respiratorische System auf großer Höhe: Pathophysiologie und neue Therapieoptionen
- Perspektive
Suzan S. Trübsbach, Iris Pircher, Benedict Treml, Alex Löckinger, Axel T. Kleinsasser
The results of computed tomography guided tru-cut transthoracic biopsy: complications and related risk factors
- Original article
Fahri Halit Beşir, Remzi Altın, Levent Kart, Muhammed Akkoyunlu, Hüseyin Özdemir, Tacettin Örnek, Sadi Gündoğdu
The advantages of humeral anteromedial plate osteosynthesis in the middle third shaft fractures
- Original article
Ivan Kirin, Davor Jurišić, Damir Grebić, Sergej Nadalin
Nutritional supplementation affects postoperative oxidative stress and duration of hospitalization in patients with hip fracture
- Original article
Elisabeth Fabian, Inge Gerstorfer, Heinrich W. Thaler, Heinrich Stundner, Pia Biswas, Ibrahim Elmadfa
Postoperative complications and survival rates for pancreatic cancer patients
- Original article
Jana Kaťuchová, Juray Bober, Jozef Radoňak
Functional electrical stimulation combined with botulinum toxin type A to improve hand function in children with spastic hemiparesis – a pilot study
- Original article
Karin Pieber, Malvina Herceg, Franziska Wick, Martina Grim-Stieger, Günther Bernert, Tatjana Paternostro-Sluga
Pneumonia in patients with novel influenza A (H1N1) virus in Southeastern Turkey
- Original Article
Tacettin Örnek, Funda Demirtaş Yalçın, Selami Ekin, Şaban Yalçın, Mücahit Yemişen
Auricular electroacupuncture reduces frequency and severity of Raynaud attacks
- Original Article
Oliver Schlager, Michael E. Gschwandtner, Irene Mlekusch, Karin Herberg, Tanja Frohner, Martin Schillinger, Renate Koppensteiner, Wolfgang Mlekusch
Novel observations during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in patients with ARDS due to the H1N1 pandemic influenza
- Short report
Marko Kutleša, Marija Santini, Vladimir Krajinović, Dinko Raffanelli, Bruno Baršić
Influenza A(H1N1) infection and severe cardiac dysfunction in adults: A case series
- Case report
Jan A. Wiegand, Christian Torgersen, Stefan Bloechlinger, Jukka Takala, Martin W. Dünser
Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis with particular perirenal and intrarenal extension associated with left renal artery stenosis. The atheromatous periaortitis with retroperitoneal fibrosis suggests a pathogenic relationship between atherosclerosis and fibrosis?
- Case report
Gheorghe Gluhovschi, Gheorghe Bozdog, Gratian Miclaus, Tudor Puscasiu, Cristina Gluhovschi, Flaviu Bob, Silvia Velciov, Ligia Petrica, Virginia Trandafirescu, Florica Gadalean
Erratum to: Outcomes and risk factors for unplanned delivery at home and before arrival to the hospital
- Erratum
Zlatko Lazić, Iztok Taka‰