Ausgabe 5-6/2012
Inhalt (21 Artikel)
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift: Articles of the month
- Articles of the month
Das Fetale Tabaksyndrom – Ein Statement der Österreichischen Gesellschaften für Allgemein- und Familienmedizin (ÖGAM), Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (ÖGGG), Hygiene, Mikrobiologie und Präventivmedizin (ÖGHMP), Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde (ÖGKJ) sowie Pneumologie (ÖGP)
- Übersicht
Fritz Horak Jr., Tamas Fazekas, Angela Zacharasiewicz, Ernst Eber, Herbert Kiss, Alfred Lichtenschopf, Manfred Neuberger, Rudolf Schmitzberger, Burkhard Simma, Andree Wilhelm-Mitteräcker, Josef Riedler
Transient restricted diffusion in the splenium of the corpus callosum in migraine with aura
- Images in clinical medicine
Amit Agarwal, Vijay Kanupriya, Vinod Maller
Indications, complications and long-term follow-up of patients undergoing percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy: A retrospective study
- Original article
Fatih Ermis, Melih Ozel, Kemal Oncu, Yusuf Yazgan, Levent Demirturk, Ahmet Kemal Gurbuz, Taner Akyol, Hasan Nazik
Thyroid hormone levels as a predictor of mortality in intensive care patients: A comparative prospective study
- Original article
Adnan Tas, Tamer Tetiker, Yavuz Beyazit, Hacer Celik, Yusuf Yesil
Potentially inappropriate medication in geriatric patients: the Austrian consensus panel list
- Original article
Eva Mann, Birgit Böhmdorfer, Thomas Frühwald, Regina E. Roller-Wirnsberger, Peter Dovjak, Christine Dückelmann-Hofer, Peter Fischer, Susanne Rabady, Bernhard Iglseder
Effects of 18β-Glycyrrhetinic acid in hTNFtg mice – a model of rheumatoid arthritis
- Original article
Antonia Puchner, Silvia Hayer, Birgit Niederreiter, Anastasiya Hladik, Stephan Blueml, Michael Bonelli, Clemens Scheinecker, Josef Smolen, Kurt Redlich
Seroprevalence study of antibodies against influenza A(H1N1) 2009 virus after the second pandemic wave in Slovenia
- Short report
Vesna Šubelj, Katarina Prosenc, Maja Sočan
Dysnatraemias in the emergency room: Undetected, untreated, unknown?
- Short report
Spyridon Arampatzis, Aristomenis Exadaktylos, Daniela Buhl, Heinz Zimmermann, Gregor Lindner
The diagnostic value of Ki-67, P53 and P63 in distinguishing partial Hydatidiform mole from hydropic abortion
- Short report
Yunxin Chen, Danhua Shen, Yiqun Gu, Pingping Zhong, Junlin Xie, Qiujin Song
Osteoporosis, weight gain and atypical fat accumulations – a typical feature not only for Cushing's, but also Madelung's disease: A case report
- Case report
Claudia Friedl, Eva Sampl, Eva-Christina Prandl, Doris Wagner, Jutta C. Piswanger-Soelkner, Alexander R. Rosenkranz, Astrid Fahrleitner-Pammer
Ectopic pregnancies with unusual location and an angular pregnancy: Report of eight cases
- Case report
Richard B. Mayer, Cemil Yaman, Thomas Ebner, Omar Shebl, Michael Sommergruber, Johannes Hartl, Gernot Tews
Inhibitor development in two patients with mild haemophilia A – spontaneous disappearance and no recurrence of the inhibitor after re-challenge
- Case report
Sylvia Reitter-Pfoertner, Birgit Horvath, Klaus Lechner, Raute Sunder-Plassmann, Christine Mannhalter, Ingrid Pabinger
Bilateral retinal detachment in reactive arthritis: coincidence or association?
- Case report
Matthias Preusser, Hugo Ocampo, Wolfgang Graninger
Resolution of blepharospasm after chronic subdural haematoma evacuation: A case report
- Case report
Tomaz Velnar, Janez Ravnik, Gorazd Bunc
Konsensusbericht Hämorrhoidalleiden
- konsensusbericht
Felix Aigner, Friedrich Conrad, Ingrid Haunold, Johann Pfeifer, Andreas Salat, Max Wunderlich, Rene Fortelny, Helga Fritsch, Markus Glöckler, Hubert Hauser, Andreas Heuberger, Judith Karner-Hanusch, Christoph Kopf, Peter Lechner, Stefan Riss, Sebastian Roka, Matthias Scheyer
Loss of body hair as a side effect of albendazole
- Letter to the editor
Adnan Tas, Seyfettin Köklü, Hacer Celik
Researcher of the month, März 2012
- MUW researcher of the month
Mitteilungen der gesellschaft
- Mitteilungen der gesellschaft
- Mitteilungen der gesellschaft