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Wiener klinische Wochenschrift

Ausgabe 5-6/2012

Inhalt (21 Artikel)

Das Fetale Tabaksyndrom – Ein Statement der Österreichischen Gesellschaften für Allgemein- und Familienmedizin (ÖGAM), Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (ÖGGG), Hygiene, Mikrobiologie und Präventivmedizin (ÖGHMP), Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde (ÖGKJ) sowie Pneumologie (ÖGP)

  • Übersicht

Fritz Horak Jr., Tamas Fazekas, Angela Zacharasiewicz, Ernst Eber, Herbert Kiss, Alfred Lichtenschopf, Manfred Neuberger, Rudolf Schmitzberger, Burkhard Simma, Andree Wilhelm-Mitteräcker, Josef Riedler

Transient restricted diffusion in the splenium of the corpus callosum in migraine with aura

  • Images in clinical medicine

Amit Agarwal, Vijay Kanupriya, Vinod Maller

Indications, complications and long-term follow-up of patients undergoing percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy: A retrospective study

  • Original article

Fatih Ermis, Melih Ozel, Kemal Oncu, Yusuf Yazgan, Levent Demirturk, Ahmet Kemal Gurbuz, Taner Akyol, Hasan Nazik

Thyroid hormone levels as a predictor of mortality in intensive care patients: A comparative prospective study

  • Original article

Adnan Tas, Tamer Tetiker, Yavuz Beyazit, Hacer Celik, Yusuf Yesil

Potentially inappropriate medication in geriatric patients: the Austrian consensus panel list

  • Original article

Eva Mann, Birgit Böhmdorfer, Thomas Frühwald, Regina E. Roller-Wirnsberger, Peter Dovjak, Christine Dückelmann-Hofer, Peter Fischer, Susanne Rabady, Bernhard Iglseder

Effects of 18β-Glycyrrhetinic acid in hTNFtg mice – a model of rheumatoid arthritis

  • Original article

Antonia Puchner, Silvia Hayer, Birgit Niederreiter, Anastasiya Hladik, Stephan Blueml, Michael Bonelli, Clemens Scheinecker, Josef Smolen, Kurt Redlich

Dysnatraemias in the emergency room: Undetected, untreated, unknown?

  • Short report

Spyridon Arampatzis, Aristomenis Exadaktylos, Daniela Buhl, Heinz Zimmermann, Gregor Lindner

The diagnostic value of Ki-67, P53 and P63 in distinguishing partial Hydatidiform mole from hydropic abortion

  • Short report

Yunxin Chen, Danhua Shen, Yiqun Gu, Pingping Zhong, Junlin Xie, Qiujin Song

Osteoporosis, weight gain and atypical fat accumulations – a typical feature not only for Cushing's, but also Madelung's disease: A case report

  • Case report

Claudia Friedl, Eva Sampl, Eva-Christina Prandl, Doris Wagner, Jutta C. Piswanger-Soelkner, Alexander R. Rosenkranz, Astrid Fahrleitner-Pammer

Ectopic pregnancies with unusual location and an angular pregnancy: Report of eight cases

  • Case report

Richard B. Mayer, Cemil Yaman, Thomas Ebner, Omar Shebl, Michael Sommergruber, Johannes Hartl, Gernot Tews

Inhibitor development in two patients with mild haemophilia A – spontaneous disappearance and no recurrence of the inhibitor after re-challenge

  • Case report

Sylvia Reitter-Pfoertner, Birgit Horvath, Klaus Lechner, Raute Sunder-Plassmann, Christine Mannhalter, Ingrid Pabinger

Bilateral retinal detachment in reactive arthritis: coincidence or association?

  • Case report

Matthias Preusser, Hugo Ocampo, Wolfgang Graninger

Konsensusbericht Hämorrhoidalleiden

  • konsensusbericht

Felix Aigner, Friedrich Conrad, Ingrid Haunold, Johann Pfeifer, Andreas Salat, Max Wunderlich, Rene Fortelny, Helga Fritsch, Markus Glöckler, Hubert Hauser, Andreas Heuberger, Judith Karner-Hanusch, Christoph Kopf, Peter Lechner, Stefan Riss, Sebastian Roka, Matthias Scheyer

Loss of body hair as a side effect of albendazole

  • Letter to the editor

Adnan Tas, Seyfettin Köklü, Hacer Celik


  • Buchbesprechung

Walter Pieringer

Researcher of the month, März 2012

  • MUW researcher of the month

Mitteilungen der gesellschaft

  • Mitteilungen der gesellschaft


  • Mitteilungen der gesellschaft