Ausgabe 5-6/2020
Inhalt (10 Artikel)
Health-enhancing physical activity, exercise and sports—a never-ending success story
- editorial
Richard Crevenna
Prescription of individual therapeutic exercises via smartphone app for patients suffering from non-specific back pain
- Open Access
- original article
Timothy Hasenöhrl, Thomas Windschnurer, Ronald Dorotka, Clemens Ambrozy, Richard Crevenna
Relevant parameters for recommendations of physical activity in patients suffering from multiple myeloma
- Open Access
- original article
Fadime Cenik, Mohammad Keilani, Timothy Hasenöhrl, Dominikus Huber, Bianca Stuhlpfarrer, Anna Pataraia, Richard Crevenna
Self-rated eyesight and handgrip strength in older adults
- original article
Lee Smith, Peter Allen, Shahina Pardhan, Trish Gorely, Igor Grabovac, Annetta Smith, Guillermo F. López-Sánchez, Lin Yang, Sarah E. Jackson
Relationship between psychological stress and metabolism in morbidly obese individuals
- original article
Friedrich Riffer, Manuel Sprung, Hannah Münch, Elmar Kaiser, Lore Streibl, Kathrin Heneis, Alexandra Kautzky-Willer
Linking myeloperoxidase with subclinical atherosclerosis in adults with metabolic syndrome
- original article
Andreea Iana, Elena Sirbu
Self-assessment of medical students and young physicians in training
- original article
Thomas Lambert, Hermann Blessberger, Alexander Fellner, Clemens Steinwender, Ara Tekian
Diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism in old people
- review article
Antonio Maria Borzì, Antonio Biondi, Francesco Basile, Marco Vacante
- mitteilungen der gesellschaft der ärzte in wien