Ausgabe 7-8/2005
Inhalt (15 Artikel)
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- Diese Woche in der Wiener klinischen Wochenschrift
Hinweise auf Artikel in anderen Zeitschriften
- Neues aus Medizin und Wissenschaft
Das metabolische Syndrom: Auswirkungen einer ausgeprägten Gewichtsabnahme mittels chirurgischer Intervention
- Übersicht
Julia Engl, Ursula Hanusch-Enserer, Rudolf Prager, Josef R. Patsch, Christoph Ebenbichler
An unusual cause for constipation
- Images in Clinical Medicine
Martin Grassberger, Sandra Coester, Klemens Köhler
Anthroposophic vs. conventional therapy of acute respiratory and ear infections
- Original Article
Harald J. Hamre, Michael Fischer, Marianne Heger, David Riley, Max Haidvogl, Erik Baars, Eileen Bristol, Michael Evans, Reinhard Schwarz, Helmut Kiene
Spectrum of germ-line MLH1 and MSH2 mutations in Austrian patients with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer
- Original Article
Brigitte Wolf, Silvia Henglmueller, Elisabeth Janschek, Denisa Ilencikova, Carmen Ludwig-Papst, Michael Bergmann, Christine Mannhalter, Friedrich Wrba, Judith Karner-Hanusch
MRI-controlled analysis of 104 patients with painful bone marrow edema in different joint localizations treated with the prostacyclin analogue iloprost
- Original Article
Roland Meizer, Christian Radda, Günter Stolz, Spyridon Kotsaris, Gert Petje, Christian Krasny, Matthias Wlk, Marius Mayerhöfer, Franz Landsiedl, Nicolas Aigner
Influence of labor induction on obstetric outcomes in patients with prolonged pregnancy
- Original Article
Barbara Bodner-Adler, Klaus Bodner, Norbert Pateisky, Oliver Kimberger, Kinga Chalubinski, Klaus Mayerhofer, Peter Husslein
3D-conformal radiotherapy for prevention of carotid recurrent in-stent restenosis: Initial experience
- Original Article
Boris Pokrajac, Ramazali Ahmadi, Rainer Schmid, Martin Schillinger, Christian Kirisits, Erich Minar, Richard Pötter
Enterolithiasis in jejunal diverticulosis, a rare cause of obstruction of the small intestine: a case report
- Case Report
Peter Kornprat, Cord Langner, Hans J. Mischinger
Keratopathy after ultraviolet B phototherapy
- Case Report
Peter Komericki, Peter Fellner, Yosuf El-Shabrawi, Navid Ardjomand
Preise, Kongress
- Nachrichten der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin