Ausgabe 7-8/2006
Inhalt (14 Artikel)
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- Diese Woche in der Wiener klinischen Wochenschrift
Hinweise auf Artikel in anderen Zeitschriften
- Neues aus Medizin und Wissenschaft
Metabolische Nebenwirkungen von Antipsychotika der neuen Generation
- Übersichtsarbeit
Julia Engl, Alexander Tschoner, Markus Laimer, Maria Rettenbacher, W. Wolfgang Fleischhacker, Josef R. Patsch, Christoph Ebenbichler
Pyopneumothorax due to Streptococcus milleri
- Images in Clinical Medicine
Philipp Eller, Igor Theurl, Florian Koppelstaetter, Guenter Weiss
An unrecognized epidemic of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in Vienna
- Original Article
Florian Daxboeck, Claudia C. Bauer, Ojan Assadian, Gerold Stanek
Prevalence of patients continuing to smoke after vascular interventions
- Original Article
Afshin Assadian, Romana Rotter, Christian Senekowitsch, Ojan Assadian, Georg W. Hagmüller, Michael Kunze
The Mosque Campaign: a cardiovascular prevention program for female Turkish immigrants
- Original Article
Angelika Bader, Doris Musshauser, Filiz Sahin, Hayriye Bezirkan, Margarethe Hochleitner
3-D Conformal radiotherapy of localized prostate cancer within an Austrian–German multicenter trial: a prospective study of patients' acceptance of the rectal balloon during treatment
- Original Article
Gregor Goldner, Hans Geinitz, Stefan Wachter, Gerd Becker, Frank Zimmermann, Natascha Wachter-Gerstner, Stefan Glocker, Regina Pötzi, Andre Wambersie, Michael Bamberg, Michael Molls, Horst Feldmann, Richard Pötter
Temozolomide for recurrent or progressive high-grade malignant glioma: Results of an Austrian multicenter observational study
- Original Article
Marco Hassler, Michael Micksche, Günther Stockhammer, Josef Pichler, Franz Payer, Brigitte Abuja, Robert Deinsberger, Christine Marosi
A woman with red eyes and hypokalemia: A case of acquired Gitelman syndrome
- Case Report
Christoph Schwarz, Talin Barisani, Edith Bauer, Wilfred Druml
From a sore throat to the intensive care unit: the Lemierre syndrome
- Case Report
Maximilian Hochmair, Arschang Valipour, Elisabeth Oschatz, Peter Hollaus, Monika Huber, Otto Chris Burghuber