Ausgabe 7-8/2010
Inhalt (15 Artikel)
Hinweise auf Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
- Diese Woche in der Wiener klinischen Wochenschrift
Treatment of acute myocardial infarction: beyond process measures to improve outcome
- Editorial
Franz Eberli
Autoimmunhämolytische Anämie bei soliden Tumoren: Ein unterdiagnostiziertes Phänomen?
- Editorial
Ulrich Jäger
Thiazolidinediones in the treatment of patients with Post-Transplant-Hyperglycemia or new-onset diabetes mellitus after renal transplantation (NODAT) – A new therapeutic option?
- Perspective
Marcus D. Säemann, Michael Krebs
Komorbiditätsorientierte Onkologie – ein Überblick
- Übersicht
Ralph Simanek, Michael Wuensch, Roland Edlinger, Bernhard Hammerl-Ferrari, Ludwig Kramer, Klaus Geissler
Basal cell carcinoma
- Images in clinical medicine
Christiane Matuschek, Norman Philipp Hoff, Matthias Peiper, Wilfried Budach, Peter Arne Gerber, Edwin Bölke
Primary percutaneous intervention of ST-elevation myocardial infarction in Austria: Results from the Austrian acute PCI registry 2005–2007
- Original article
Jakob Dörler, Hannes Franz Alber, Johann Altenberger, Gerhard Bonner, Werner Benzer, Georg Grimm, Kurt Huber, Lalit Kaltenbach, Karl-Peter Pfeiffer, Herwig Schuchlenz, Peter Siostrzonek, Gerald Zenker, Otmar Pachinger, Franz Weidinger
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia as a paraneoplastic phenomenon in solid tumors: A critical analysis of 52 cases reported in the literature
- Original article
Joe Puthenparambil, Klaus Lechner, Gabriela Kornek
Antiviral treatment of chronic hepatitis C in clinical routine
- Original article
Andreas Maieron, Sigrid Metz-Gercek, Franz Hackl, Alexander Ziachehabi, Harri Fuchsteiner, Christoph Luger, Helmut Mittermayer, Rainer Schöfl
Climate for career choices: survey of medical students' motivation for studying, career preferences and perception of their teachers as role models
- Original article
Ana Pangerčić, Dario Sambunjak, Darko Hren, Matko Marušić, Ana Marušić
Gross proteinuria and subacute renal failure after coronary angiography – a case report of cholesterol crystal embolization
- Case report
Peter Biesenbach, Thomas Gremmel, Walter H. Hörl, Renate Kain, Marcus D. Säemann