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Wiener klinische Wochenschrift

Ausgabe 7-8/2014

Inhalt (17 Artikel)

Reporting bias in trials of volume resuscitation with hydroxyethyl starch

  • Open Access
  • perspective

Christian J. Wiedermann

Polypharmacy and excessive polypharmacy in octogenarians and older acutely hospitalized patients

  • original article

Christoph Strehblow, Michael Smeikal, Peter Fasching

Evaporation of free water causes concentrational alkalosis in vitro

  • original article

Gregor Lindner, Daniel Doberer, Christoph Schwarz, Bruno Schneeweiss, Georg-Christian Funk

Migration characteristics and early clinical results of a novel-finned press-fit acetabular cup

  • original article

Martin Kaipel, Anton Prenner, Sebastian Bachl, Sebastian Farr, Günter Sinz

Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 infections in Austria

  • original article

Ninon Taylor, Jan Marco Kern, Wolfgang Prammer, Alois Lang, Bernhard Haas, Martin Gisinger, Robert Zangerle, Alexander Egle, Richard Greil, Hannes Oberkofler, Josef Eberle

Transurethral bladder neck incision in women with primary bladder neck obstruction

  • original article

Dean Markić, Anton Maričić, Romano Oguić, Josip Španjol, Dražen Rahelić, Nino Rubinić, Maksim Valenčić

Obesity as a risk factor for severe acute pancreatitis patients

  • original article

Jana Katuchova, Juraj Bober, Pavol Harbulak, Alexander Hudak, Tomas Gajdzik, Rastislav Kalanin, Jozef Radonak

Comparison of glucose variability assessed by a continuous glucose-monitoring system in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus switched from NPH insulin to insulin glargine: The COBIN2 study

  • original article

Denisa Janickova Zdarska, Milan Kvapil, Zdenek Rusavy, Michal Krcma, Jan Broz, Bohumila Krivska, Pavla Kadlecova

Leptospirosis and renal failure: a case series

  • case report

Martin Windpessl, Wolfgang Prammer, Roland Nömeyer, Patrick Dinkhauser, Ludwig Wimmer, Petra Müller, Julia Gusenleitner, Manfred Wallner

Radiotherapy-induced concomitant coronary artery stenosis and mitral valve disease

  • case report

Mehmet Kadri Akboga, Ahmet Akyel, Asife Şahinarslan, Atiye Çengel

Concomitant use of beta-1 adrenoreceptor blocker and norepinephrine in patients with septic shock. Reply to a letter to the authors

  • letter to the editor

Martin Balik, Jan Rulisek, Pavel Leden, Michal Zakharchenko, Michal Otahal, Hana Bartakova, Josef Korinek

Mean platelet volume may be confused in many conditions

  • letter to the editor

Sevket Balta, Ugur Kucuk, Zekeriya Arslan, Murat Unlu, Sait Demirkol

Mean platelet volume and red blood cell distribution width in prognosis of chronic hepatitis B

  • letter to the editor

Ergenekon Karagöz, Asım Ülçay, Vedat Turhan

Researcher of the Month April 2014

  • MUW researcher of the month

Matthias Hoke

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hypertonie (ÖGH)

  • mitteilungen der österreichischen gesellschaft für innere medizin

gesellschaft der ärzte in wien

  • gesellschaft der ärzte in wien

Erratum to: Differences in the metabolic status of healthy adults with and without active brown adipose tissue

  • Erratum

Qiongyue Zhang, Hongying Ye, Qing Miao, Zhaoyun Zhang, Yi Wang, Xiaoming Zhu, Shuo Zhang, Chuantao Zuo, Zhengwei Zhang, Zhemin Huang, Ruidan Xue, Meifang Zeng, Haiyan Huang, Wanzhu Jin, Qiqun Tang, Yihui Guan, Yiming Li