Ausgabe 9-10/2005
Inhalt (16 Artikel)
Hinweise auf Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
- Diese Woche in der Wiener klinischen Wochenschrift
Hinweise auf Artikel in anderen Zeitschriften
- Neues aus Medizin und Wissenschaft
Extreme Frühgeburten – Überleben und Leben an der Grenze der Machbarkeit
- Editorial
Arnold Pollak, Renate Fuiko
Überleben so genannter nicht-lebensfähiger Frühgeborener: was haben wir zu erwarten?
- Editorial
Volker von Loewenich
The multiple functions of Tamm–Horsfall protein in human health and disease: A mystery clears up
- Review Article
Thomas Weichhart, Gerhard J. Zlabinger, Marcus D. Säemann
Solid variant of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma of the spermatic cord
- Images in Clinical Medicine
Gordana Zamolo, Miran Coklo, Sanja Stifter, Alan Bosnar, Dean Markic, Ira Pavlovic-Ruzic
Survival of “pre-viable” infants in the United States
- Original Article
Hamisu M. Salihu, Donath Emusu, Zakari Y. Aliyu, Russell S. Kirby, Greg R. Alexander
Sources of bias in reviews of spinal manipulation for back pain
- Original Article
Peter H. Canter, Edzard Ernst
Dynamics of inflammation parameters prior to tachyarrhythmias in critically ill patients
- Original Article
Maria Koreny, Peter Reinelt, Brigitte Meyer, Georg Delle Karth, Alexander Geppert, Martin Hülsmann, Ute Priglinger, Rudolf Berger, Gottfried Heinz
Diurnal variation of arterial stiffness and subendocardial perfusion noninvasively assessed using applanation tonometry in healthy young men
- Original Article
Gerd Bodlaj, Jörg Berg, Georg Biesenbach
Enhanced plasma catecholamine and cAMP response during the head-up tilt test in patients with vasovagal syncope
- Original Article
Peter Mitro, Emilia Rybárová, Eva Žemberová, Ivan Tkáč
Motivation for therapy and the results of inpatient treatment of patients with a generalized anxiety disorder: A prospective study
- Original Article
Cerstin Nickel, Karin Tritt, Christian Kettler, Claas Lahmann, Thomas Loew, Wolfhardt Rother, Marius Nickel
Phlegmonous gastritis in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis
- Case Report
Rajko Kavalar, Pavel Skok, Kristina Gornik Kramberger
Leopards, lions and wolves – a short visit to the zoo of dermatological diagnoses
- Special Article
Karl Holubar