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Wiener klinische Wochenschrift

Ausgabe 9-10/2013

Inhalt (12 Artikel)

Left ventricular morphology and function in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

  • original article

L’ubomír Tomáš, Ivica Lazúrová, Mária Oetterová, Lýdia Pundová, Darina Petrášová, Martin Studenčan

Serum diamine oxidase activity as a diagnostic test for histamine intolerance

  • original article

Ema Mušič, Peter Korošec, Mira Šilar, Katja Adamič, Mitja Košnik, Matija Rijavec

Exchange reamed nailing compared to augmentation compression plating leaving the inserted nail in situ in the treatment of aseptic tibial non-union: a two-centre study

  • original article

Atesch Ateschrang, Georgios Karavalakis, Christoph Gonser, Ulrich Liener, Thomas Freude, Ulrich Stöckle, Matthias Walcher, Derek Zieker

Resistance index in mural arteries of thickened bowel wall: predictive value for Crohn disease activity assessment in pediatric patients

  • original article

I. Sjekavica, V. Barbarić-Babić, V. Šunjara, M. Kralik, I. Senečić-Čala, M. Dujšin, R. Štern-Padovan

Socio-economic determinants of health behaviours across age groups: results of a cross-sectional survey

  • original article

T. E. Dorner, W. J. Stronegger, K. Hoffmann, K. Viktoria Stein, T. Niederkrotenthaler

Moderate- and vigorous-intensity exercise behaviour according to the Transtheoretical Model: associations with smoking and BMI among Austrian adults

  • original article

Franziska Großschädl, Sylvia Titze, Nathalie Burkert, Willibald J. Stronegger

Atypical pANCA as a marker of indeterminate colitis for the prediction of ulcerative colitis and crohn’s disease

  • original article

Murat Kekilli, Yavuz Beyazit, Adnan Tas, Bilge Tunc, Abdurrahim Sayilir, Aysel Ulker

Congenital contractural arachnodactyly (Beals-Hecht syndrome): a rare connective tissue disorder

  • case report

Alexander Jurko Jr., Jana Krsiakova, Milan Minarik, Ingrid Tonhajzerova

Researcher of the Month

  • MUW researcher of the month

Ruth Drdla-Schutting


  • gesellschaft der ärzte in wien