Ausgabe 9-10/2016
Inhalt (15 Artikel)
Use of mental techniques for competition and recovery in professional athletes
- Open Access
- original article
Mohammad Keilani, Timothy Hasenöhrl, Immanuel Gartner, Christoph Krall, Johannes Fürnhammer, Fadime Cenik, Richard Crevenna
Pre-therapeutic fibrinogen levels are of prognostic significance in locally advanced head and neck cancer
- original article
Edgar Selzer, Anja Grah, Gregor Heiduschka, Gabriela Kornek, Dietmar Thurnher
Severe gastritis decreases success rate of Helicobacter pylori eradication
- original article
Ismail Hakki Kalkan, Ferdane Sapmaz, Sefa Güliter, Pınar Atasoy
The impact of Helicobacter pylori eradication on serum hepcidin-25 level and iron parameters in patients with iron deficiency anemia
- original article
Ferdane Sapmaz, Sebahat Başyiğit, İsmail Hakkı Kalkan, Üçler Kısa, Engin Eren Kavak, Sefa Güliter
Cinnarizine and dimenhydrinate in the treatment of vertigo in medical practice
- Open Access
- original article
Arne-Wulf Scholtz, Justus Ilgner, Benjamin Loader, Bernd W. Pritschow, Gerhard Weisshaar
Pocket-size imaging device as a screening tool for aortic stenosis
- original article
Tatjana Golob Gulič, Jana Makuc, Gregor Prosen, Dejan Dinevski
Endovascular versus operative treatment of cerebral aneurysms: a comparison of results from a low-volume neurosurgical centre
- original article
Gorazd Bunc, Janez Ravnik, Matjaz Vorsic, Tomaz Seruga, Marko Jevsek, Tomaz Smigoc, Tomaz Velnar
Surgical management of 58 patients with placenta praevia percreta
- original article
Aysun Camuzcuoglu, Mehmet Vural, Nese Gul Hilali, Adnan Incebiyik, Hasan Husnu Yuce, Ahmet Kucuk, Hakan Camuzcuoglu
Management of bite wounds in children and adults—an analysis of over 5000 cases at a level I trauma centre
- original article
Manuela Jaindl, Gerhard Oberleitner, Georg Endler, Christiane Thallinger, Florian M. Kovar
Medical University admission test: a confirmatory factor analysis of the results
- original article
Marion Luschin-Ebengreuth, Hans P. Dimai, Daniel Ithaler, Heide M. Neges, Gilbert Reibnegger
Complete neurologic and cognitive recovery after plasmapheresis in a patient with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
- Open Access
- case report
Ursula Vogl, Gerda Leitner, Assunta Dal-Bianco, Marija Bojic, Margit Mitterbauer, Werner Rabitsch, Peter Kalhs, Axel Schulenburg
First report of otitis externa caused by Schizophyllum commune and review of the literature
- case report
Tadeja Matos, Rok Tomazin, Saba Battelino
Patrick Sulzgruber ist Researcher of the month Mai 2016
- MUW researcher of the month
- mitteilungen der gesellschaft der ärzte in wien