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Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift

Ausgabe 1-2/2016 Physical medicine and rehabilitation

Inhalt (14 Artikel)

Practical assessment in patients suffering from musculoskeletal disorders

  • original article

Mohammad Keilani, Andrew J. Haig, Richard Crevenna

Musculoskeletal imaging in preventive medicine

  • main topic

Franz Kainberger, Anna L. Falkowski, Lena Hirtler, Georg Riegler, Thomas Schlegl, Siddharth Thaker, Janina Patsch, Richard Crevenna

Preventive aspectsregarding back pain

  • main topic

Thomas E. Dorner, Richard Crevenna

Prevention and rehabilitation of osteoporosis

  • main topic

Katharina Kerschan-Schindl

Cancer rehabilitation in Austria—aspects of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

  • main topic

Bruno Maehr, Mohammad Keilani, Christoph Wiltschke, Marco Hassler, Thomas Licht, Christine Marosi, Elisabeth Huetterer, Fadime Cenik, Richard Crevenna

Sedation and analgosedation performed by pediatricians—experience made with the implementation of an in-house sedation standard

  • main topic

Harald Sauer, Laura Grünzinger, Jochen Pfeifer, Ulla Lieser, Hashim Abdul-Khaliq

Indirect laryngoscopic assessment for the diagnosis of difficult intubation in patients undergoing microlaryngeal surgery

  • original article

Meltem Türkay, Tülin Şentürk, Birsen Yigit Arslan, Hacer Yeter, Mehmet Salih Sevdi, Salih Aydın, Ismail Gergin, Kerem Erkalp

Positionspapier zur medikamentenassoziierten Osteonekrose des Kiefers (MRONJ)

  • Positionspapiere

B. Svejda, Ch. Muschitz, R. Gruber, Ch. Brandtner, Ch. Svejda, R. W. Gasser, G. Santler, H. P. Dimai

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