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Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift

Ausgabe 13-14/2024 Paleopathology

Inhalt (7 Artikel)

The pathological anatomical collection of the Natural History Museum Vienna

  • main topic

Eduard Winter, Maria Teschler-Nicola, Karin Macfelda, Katrin Vohland

Avicenna’s views on pest control and medicinal plants he prescribed as natural pesticides

Mohammad Amrollahi-Sharifabadi, Jamal Rezaei Orimi, Zahra Adabinia, Tahereh Shakeri, Zahra Aghabeiglooei, Mohammad Hashemimehr, Maedeh Rezghi

Pattern of bioterrorism in ancient times: lessons to be learned from the microbial and toxicological aspects

  • review

Elaheh Eslami, Hasan Siamian, Jamal Rezaei Orimi, Zahra Aghabeiglooei, Ebrahim Salimi-Sabour, Mohammad Amrollahi-Sharifabadi

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