Ausgabe 11-12/2016 Rett Syndrome — RTT50.1
Inhalt (7 Artikel)
On a remarkable syndrome of cerebral atrophy associated with hyperammonaemia in childhood
- Open Access
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Andreas Rett
Behavioural biomarkers of typical Rett syndrome: moving towards early identification
- Open Access
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Christa Einspieler, Michael Freilinger, Peter B. Marschik
Quantitative and qualitative insights into the experiences of children with Rett syndrome and their families
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Jenny Downs, Helen Leonard
New insights in Rett syndrome using pathway analysis for transcriptomics data
- Open Access
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Friederike Ehrhart, Susan L. M. Coort, Elisa Cirillo, Eric Smeets, Chris T. Evelo, Leopold Curfs