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Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift

Ausgabe 11-12/2023

Inhalt (12 Artikel)

Giant cell epulis

  • images in science and medicine

Georgi Tchernev, Lorraine Joseph Kandathil, Nikhil Oliveira

Hemoptoe, thin-walled lung cysts, and spontaneous pneumothorax are features of metastatic cutaneous angiosarcoma

  • Open Access
  • case report

Iurii Mykoliuk, Martin Zacharias, Oliver Sankin, Jörg Lindenmann, Freyja-Maria Smolle-Juettner

Anaphylactic reaction to carboplatin diagnosed by skin testing—a reliable tool in platinum-based immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions

  • Open Access
  • case report

Elias Marquart, Ahmad Jalili, Nadine Mothes-Luksch, Stephan N. Wagner, Tamar Kinaciyan

Malignant melanoma in a patient with hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia

  • Letter to the editor

Hristo Petrov Dobrev, Tsvetana Ivanova Abadjieva, Teodor Ivanov Aleksiev, Zlatina Georgieva Ivanova, Nina Ivanova Vutova

Anti-MDA5 antibody-positive dermatomyositis with mild encephalopathy with reversible splenial lesion: a possible rare association?

  • Short Communication

Khadija Saghir, Mohammed Chraa, Najib Kissani, Hajar Joulal, lamiaa Essaadouni, Nissrine Louhab

Post-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination COVID toes and fingers

  • letter to the editor

Uwe Wollina

Post-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination COVID toes and fingers correspondence

  • letter to the editor

Rujittika Mungmunpuntipantip, Viroj Wiwanitkit

Response to R. Mungmumpuntipanip and V. Wiwantikit

  • Letter to the editor

Uwe Wollina

Onychomadesis in a COVID-19 patient

  • case report

Zlatina Georgieva Ivanova, Teodor Ivanov Aleksiev, Hristo Petrov Dobrev

Netherton syndrome in a Bulgarian patient

  • case report

Simona Atanasova Kordeva, Ilia Batashki, Georgi Tchernev

Alopecia associated with dimethyl fumarate treatment for multiple sclerosis

  • case report

Ana Abičić, Ivan Adamec, Mario Habek

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