Ausgabe 15-16/2013 Skin Cancer
Inhalt (9 Artikel)
Skin cancer treatment options: new horizons and promises for the future
- editorial
Kristina Semkova, Georgi Tchernev, Uwe Wollina
Malignant melanoma: epidemiologic aspects, diagnostic and therapeutic approach
- main topic
Michael Tronnier, Kristina Semkova, Uwe Wollina, Georgi Tchernev
Merkelzellkarzinom: eine Überprüfung und Aktualisierung über die Pathogenese, Diagnose und Therapieansätze
- main topic
José Carlos Cardoso, Vera Teixeira, Georgi Tchernev, Uwe Wollina
Subungual acrolentiginous amelanotic melanoma treated with amputation of the distal and middle phalanges
- main topic
Claudio Guarneri, Valentina Bevelacqua, Kristina Semkova, Georgi Tchernev, Sven Tempel, Uwe Wollina
Cetuximab for treatment of advanced squamous cell carcinoma in solid organ transplant recipients
- main topic
Katherine Boyd, Sofia M Shea, James Patterson
Cutaneous side effects of vemurafenib: a case report and discussion
- main topic
Sofia M Shea, Katherine Boyd, James Patterson
Atypical fibroxanthoma—a diagnosis of exclusion!
- case report
Georgi Tchernev, Michael Tronnier, Julian Ananiev, Teodora Taneva, James W. Patterson, Maya Gulubova, John P. Trafeli, Antonina Gegova, Mason Harrell, Claudio Guarneri, Uwe Wollina, José Carlos Cardoso, Nobuo Kanazawa, Liliya Zisova, Ana-Maria Forsea, Christos C. Zouboulis